Chapter 7 - Alone

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Fabian's POV
"We're going back to your leap's old house" Zion exclaimed suddenly, standing up.

"Why?" I asked quietly, afraid of his answer. "Don't you want me anymore?"

Well, who would want a shifter like me? I'm small, I can barely even change forms and I'm so lonely that willing to love the first people who walked in and showed an interest, despite them being the very creatures my mother warned me against.

Well, she'd warned me against vampires' manipulative trickery. But the real lesson she'd drilled into me was to never trust humans. They're too fascinated by leopards like  us, they ether want us or want what we have. And she'd seemed angry when she'd spoken of them...

"No, that's not what he means, Fabian. We're all going together and we're all coming back together. We just thought it would be a good idea to take you back, see if you remember anything else" Chase clarified, running his fingers through my hair, which he knew had a soothing affect on me.

Zion nodded, leaving to pay for the undrunk coffees whilst Chase helped me into my new blue coat. I've never really wished to spend much time a human, but with the two vampires I think it's kinda fun. And I can communicate better like this.

So useless. Can't even shift properly.

I covered my ears, the voice from before seeming to echo inside my head. And then began the dull throbbing, causing me to panic. I leapt off Chase suddenly and dashed out of the shop.

I ran and ran until I reached a woodland, and ran some more until the sound of cars faded to a dull roar. I don't understand why Chase didn't catch up to me, or why I ran without telling him what was happening.

Vampires are much faster than shifters, but I suppose the combination of the shock of me running and the amount of people made it impossible for him to run at full speed, and my scent probably got lost amongst the throngs of people.

He's been so kind to me, they both have. And this is how I repay them?

So useless. So broken. Undeserving of my love and praised, undeserving of anyone's love and praises. A broken toy.

I collapsed, my legs giving out as fresh waves of pain. I wish I'd just told Chase what was happening, maybe he could've helped me somehow. But instead, I'm all alone, pain consuming every rational thought and feeling.

I did manage to remove my clothing though, save for the underwear. I didn't want to ruin it when they had been kind enough to buy it for me...

Further waves of pain pulsed through my body, so painful that I cried out. It must've been over thirty minutes until the pain began to ebb away, leaving me in my leopard form curled up on the rough ground.

I started out for the brothers' home, before my steps faltered when I realised I have no idea where they live, nor where I am right now. I'm completely lost. Completely alone. Or so I thought, until a painfully familiar voice spoke up.

"Well well, haven't you grown?"

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