Chapter 45 - Zion's Choice

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Chase's POV
"So I can have a baby" Fabian spoke with a grin after we fell silent.

Zion scowled at him, but nodded his head. "Yes, you are capable of having a child. But that doesn't mean you can have a child. I don't want a small thing who's species would be questionable running around. It's out of the question"

"But... I might already be pregnant, right?"

I shook my head. "Highly unlikely. If you were, you wouldn't be having short periods of time where you're in heat still"

"But why won't you let me have your children!" Fabian whined, looking at each of us in turn with wide eyes.

I sighed. Oh boy.

"Fabian, you can't keep acting like a bratty kid. You can't have a child yet. And that's final" Zion told him sternly, folding his arms. And then Fabian turned his attention to me, seeking my opinion.

"I agree with Zion, Fabian. You're too young, for starters. And do you even know how to care for a baby properly? Besides, it wouldn't be right for us to bring a new child into this world when there are so many homeless, parentless children, especially those you rescued from the lab. If you want a child so badly, why don't we take one of them in?"

Fabian frowned.

"But then it wouldn't be your child. I wanna pass on your genetics!" he whined, a small whimper escaping his wobbly lips.

"Look, we're not saying never, we're just saying not right now" I told him gently, in an attempt to soothe him. Zion shot me an incredulous look.

"Well I'm certainly not-"

"Well, Fabian! Does that make you feel any better?"

"I guess... So when can we adopt, and after can I have your child?"

"Not yet. You're not ready, and I say we just adopt" I said at the same time Zion started his response. "You can maybe have a biological baby in the future, but I ain't ready for the shit that is parenthood and neither are you. You need reminding to brush your hair and eat breakfast, never mind caring for a baby"

Fabian frowned again, but said nothing.

I guess we win this battle for now.

Zion's POV ~ later that evening
I've been thinking about this matter for a while now, and I've made up my mind.

I don't give a damn about how Chase didn't want Fabian to kill the doctors and the researchers, just because they 'begged' for mercy. Chase may have said 'we' but I didn't have a say whatsoever.

What is to stop them doing the same thing- or something similar- again? In the past, murderers and the like were executed. And I think that's the right path. They all need to die for making Fabian and all those other innocents suffer.

That may sound hypocritical, coming from a vampire who harms others to survive. But now, I desire no-one's blood but Fabian's and Chase's to sustain me. And that has nothing to do with the fact those criminals need to be eradicated.

Fabian and Chase may be kind, forgiving souls, but that's not my nature. That's not how I am. I fight for those I care about, and destroy those who threaten or hurt their happiness.

People often label me as cold, heartless and insensitive, but in reality I'm just an extremely loyal but possessive guy when it comes to those I love. I take a while to trust and care about people, but oh boy, when I do I'm fierce in my protectiveness.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the staff who took part in or knew about and didn't stop the experiments shouldn't be forgiven. For the majority of his life, Fabian has been kept in captivity, used as part of an experiment that was designed to give humans more power.

It's always been about power for them. They're the weakest species, so they try and wipe out other species, as well as mutating themselves for the sake of a dangerous superiority complex they seem to have acquired.

And I won't stand for it.

As long as they're alive and breathing, I won't rest. Not after all the trauma they've caused.

They all must die.

Do you agree with Zion or Chase about the child situation?
And do you agree with Zion? Do the doctors really deserve to die, or should they be allowed to live with their guilt?

Also sorry I haven't updated recently, A levels got me so worn out 😭

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