Chapter 23 - Apologies

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Chase's POV
That absolute idiot.

Does he want the poor boy to hate us for real?! I don't give a damn if it was a 'subconscious' desire to mark him, he forced himself on our precious shifter! Thank whoever is out there dictating our lives that it wasn't a sealing mark. Those things cannot be undone.

"Do you even realise what this means, Zion? Until this damn thing wears off, you're going to feel like crap due to the distance, and you won't be much help. Not that you're much help anyway when you just wanna stick it on him! But at least this way you can help find him, due to the one-sided attraction"

"Don't dare say that all I want is to stick it on him! You know that's not true!" He yelled, baring his teeth at me. Wow. Scary.


"Well, you haven't done much to prove the contrary! You sexualise everything he does. Like when he leant down to pick something up and you slapped his ass, saying how you'd like to see him do the same without his clothes on! And that's only one example, Zion! He doesn't even understand many of the crude comments you make, thankfully. But you're the reason he's going to turn his back on us, you terrify him! He's really quite innocent, which you don't seem to understand!" I seethed.

I heard Zion take a sharp intake of breath. And then his verbal onslaught continued.

"You're not exactly a saint either though, are you, Chase? When we first met Fabian, you lulled him into a sense of security with your delicate touches and kind words! You manipulate people, catch them unaware, whilst I give them fair warning of the real me, and what I desire! You can't tell me that before we got to know him better, you didn't want to just pound him into next week! Because if you tell me that's not what you wanted, you're a damn liar!"

I sighed, rubbing my temple. What a distasteful picture he paints of me... But deep down, a lot of what he's saying rings true.

When I heard of a shifter living alone in the east, my first though was to use him for my own satisfaction and then drain him of his life force. But I thought he was an older shifter, not a mere teenager. Not that it's any justification.

Then, when our eyes first locked on that fateful day, something changed within me. A paternal instinct, of sorts. Seeing the small shifter quaking where he stood made me feel a protective urge, alongside the desire to make him mine.

And I'll be damned if I don't make him mine. Not just mine- ours.

"I'm sorry!" I blurted suddenly, bowing my head. "I didn't mean to hurt you, and I'm sorry for not paying you any attention recently. I also understand and acknowledge that our previous desires were one and the same. I know I keep pretending to be the good guy, but that's only because I don't want people, especially Fabian, to hate me! You know me, Zion! You know why I act the way I act, and I know why you act the way you act! After all this time, the past still scars us too deeply to heal fully"

Zion's mouth fell open in surprise at my speech, but he quickly wiped the expression off his face, concealing his feelings with the blank mask he uses constantly to hide behind. I wish that once in a while, he'd let his tough guy act drop, and show what a kind, sensitive person he can be.

"I never thought you'd face the way you've been acting, and acknowledge how the past still haunts you too, brother. And I'm afraid whilst we're apologising to each other, I have something to apologise for..."

He paused, and I eyed him suspiciously. I know Zion, and he never, ever apologises, even when he's clearly in the wrong. He must feel really guilty about something...

"So... I may have planned to make you believe that Fabian didn't want us... But I didn't go through with it, I swear! I just felt really bad about even thinking it, when I know how you feel about the kid. I'm so, so sorry, and I have more to apologise for. I was scared to let anyone get close to me in a romantic partner way, other than you obviously, due to what happened last time. But although I don't show it, I have a good feeling this time, and I wish to make Fabian a part of our little family as much, if not more so, as you do. Chase, honestly I can't-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips gently to his. That's all I needed to hear. I knew he had some kind of feelings towards Fabian, I just wasn't sure how strong they were. And this isn't just the temporary bond talking -which I'm still a little pissed about- this is Zion's emotions talking.

And I love it.

"Come on then, Zion. If you'll help me, let's head to the Lost Village together, to go and get Fabian"

At the same time I said Fabian, Zion said 'that hot piece of meat'.

I elbowed him, rolling my eyes as I took his hand. Some people never change, but he wouldn't be the brother I know and love without his 'unique' views.

Just a short update, but I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'm gonna try update more regularly now that I'm on holiday for the summer x

...I kinda got addicted to the new Zelda game Breath of the Wild, if you haven't played it omg it's so good I can hardly put it down ^.^ (that's why the update is late, oops xx)

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