Chapter 12 - The Escape

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Fabian's POV
It was the smell of bacon wafting into the room that roused me from my sleep, prompting my bleary eyes to open.

Noticing I was alone, I decided to follow the scent down the stairs, rubbing my eyes as I made my way to the kitchen. My stomach gurgled embarrassingly loud, causing my pale cheeks to tint pink, although nobody was around to hear. Or so I thought.

"Morning Fabian! Come." Chase called from where he sat on the sofa, patting the empty seat next to him. I nodded in reply, making my way over.

Zion nodded at me in acknowledgment as I walked past, though his eyes returned quickly to the pan in his hand. Wow, I didn't know vampires could cook!

"Today we're paying a long overdue visit to your leap's old home" Chase informed me as I sat down. "We think that by doing so, we may uncover some more of your past, and hopefully what happened to your leap"

I couldn't help the grin that formed on my face. By trying to help me find out why my leap left me, they're showing they care. They don't have to but they are, so they must know how important my family were to me. Although I don't know if they'll find anything I didn't, I searched that house most days for clues...

"Eat up" Zion grinned, handing me a plat of bacon and eggs along with some metal instruments.

I stared at the metal objects in my hand, unsure of what I was supposed to do with them. They didn't look edible...

"What's wrong, little one? I mean, I know Zion's cooking isn't that great, but you seemed to have a particular fondness of meat before. Perhaps you would have preferred it raw? Or I can make you something else" Chase offered, not even flinching as his brother gave him a playful punch for his comment.

I would have preferred the meat raw, but I'd eat anything they gave me to show my appreciation of their hospitality. The problem is what the heck I'm supposed to do with the metal objects!

"His face says it all, Chase" Zion smiled, understanding. "He doesn't know how to use cutlery"

"Cutlery?" I repeated, testing the unfamiliar word. I've never even heard that term before...

"Don't worry, your food should have cooled by now. Just eat it now you would normally"

I nodded, but I felt as if I was disappointing them by not using what I was given. So I gave it a go.


I ended up with yolk around my mouth and most of the bacon on the floor. But what I did manage to get into my mouth tasted amazing.

By the time I had just about given up, the twins were in hysterics at my inability to use the 'cutlery'. Feeling a little embarrassed, I cast my eyes down and silently ate the rest of the bacon with my fingers.

"Hey, don't worry about it Fabian. You did well" Chase beamed, ruffling my hair. I couldn't help but smile, a warm feeling growing inside me at the small amount of praise I received.

"If you're ready, should we head out?" Chase asked after a moment. I nodded eagerly, jumping up excitedly from where I sat. It's been about a week, but I've missed the old leap home.

Though I don't miss the lonely days or the even lonelier nights, that's for sure.

~Magical Time Skip~

When I saw my leap's old house in the distance, I couldn't help but rush forward in an attempt to gain some comfort from the familiarity of the old house. I just felt the urge to leap into the bed that had once been my parent's, curl up and never leave again. It provided me with such a sense of security, even though their smell had long since faded.

I can't accept that I was adopted. That my existence as a leopard shifter is down to a sick doctor's experimentation, it just doesn't sit well with me. It makes me feel as if my whole life has been a lie.

Like I'm not really important, and never have been.

Suddenly, gazing up at the old house, a memory made a resurgence...

"Subject 17 has escaped his cell! Repeat: subject 17 has escaped his cell! Lockdown the building and secure the exits!"

The voice over the loudspeaker boomed all around me, echoing off the walls in the narrow corridor. The wailing of children and adults and chirps of leopards added to the noise surrounding me, increasing my panic.

I longed, more than anything, to block out all the noise. But as a leopard, it just wasn't possible. Every sound was intensified, and I physically felt every vibration of the intercom as the harsh voice shouted instructions.

"Subject 17 is now on ground level! Repeat: subject 17 is now on ground level! Secure all doors, do not allow him to escape!"

A part of me just wanted to head back to my cell in defeat, and to keep turning a blind eye to what the doctors were doing to me and the hundreds of others in the facility. But a larger part of me thought that small part was stupid.

I need to save myself first, so I can leave and get outside help to rescue everybody else. I can't do it alone.

Soon, the main exit came into my field of vision. But now a new problem faced me- how was I to get out?

I looked towards the security camera, thanking my lucky stars that the corridor I came out of and where I stood now happened to be a blind spot. Then a plan began to formulate in my head, one that might just work...

I dived under the the desk to my right, ensuring my form was fully hidden. Now, I must wait...

"Subject 17 is not on the cameras. You'd better find him fast, or they'll be hell to pay! If he's somehow managed to escape, everyone's jobs are on the line! Now check outside too!" The voice boomed, a hint of frustration creeping into their tone.

I didn't have to wait long. Four security guards came running down the stairs. I readied myself, planting my hind legs firmly against the wall behind the desk. I have to time this perfectly...

And as soon as they opened the front door...

...I sprang forward, and out to freedom.

"Stop him!" One of the guards yelled, and soon after I felt something graze my thigh. Looking back briefly, I saw a tranquilliser dart lying uselessly on the ground.

The man with the gun aimed for another shot and the guards began to run after me, but their speed was no match for mine. But with every step I took, I found my limbs growing heavier and my mind growing fuzzier. Some of the drug had entered my system, enough to take effect.

However, I didn't stop running until I found a nearby house, praying that they would take me in as I collapsed from exhaustion on their doorstep.

'I just hope they don't kill wild animals...' was my last thought as the drug overpowered me, and the haze in my mind pulled me into a deep abyss.

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