Chapter 10 - Back In Captivity

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Writer's block sucks... Plus I accidentally deleted my kind-of plan... Fml =_=

Chase's POV
After Zion managed to successfully calm me down, we set off after Fabian almost immediately. Once we were thinking rationally, we realised we could track him.

How could we have been so stupid as to not realise sooner? On the first night, we had placed a tracking device just under the skin on the back of Fabian's neck, which we connected to our phones. We were preparing for him to flee from us, but I suppose in this situation it's just as useful if not more so.

Zion was dead set against the idea, trying to convince me that it wasn't right, and Fabian wouldn't like it at all when he finds out. And he may be correct, but if I hadn't done it we may never have found him again.

And I couldn't have lived with that.

Fabian's POV
I awoke cold and afraid.

I found myself still in my human form, laying on the cold, hard ground of what appeared to be a large cell of sorts. I thought I saw others in the cell with me, but my vision was too hazy to be sure. It looked like two- no three others.

"You smell of vampires" One of the shapes growled out, walking a slow circle around me. "Are they your buddies or something?"

I whimpered, shuffling away from the stranger, but unintentionally backing myself into a corner. They smelt like me... but not exactly me. And they were in leopard form.

"You don't have to cower away, I didn't mean to scare you. Your scent just put me on guard, that's all" he paused, looking back at the two other shapes behind him briefly. "My name is Ralph, and behind me are my chosen mate, Cassie, and our daughter, Lilly. And you are?"

I tried to relax a little at his words, but I couldn't help the way I was eyeing him warily.

"Fabian" I answered. "Are you test subjects of this place too?"

The larger leopard nodded. "Aye, that we are. We've been here for years, too many to count. They tricked us, you see. They allowed me and Cassie to be together when they found out about our feelings, but to them, it was all just another experiment. They wanted to see how a baby born of two artificial shifters turned out" he spat bitterly.

I couldn't even speak to reply, not that I could have thought of anything to say anyway. It was just too horrible to comprehend.

"We had a son, Lucas we named him. But they took him away years ago, and we haven't seen him since. And then Cassie got pregnant with our little Lilly, who's five now. I just wish they'd give our eldest back... He must be at least in his 20's by now"

Lucas? Could it possibly be...

"Subject 17! Come." A stern voice ordered from the door, looking at me.

My fur bristled at the familiarity of the name. I remember. Here, you don't have a name. They number you, stripping you of what remains of your humanity. So I did something stupid.

"My name is Fabian, and I expect you to use it from now on, you owe me that much at least seeing as I'm one just another of your little experiments! How much are they paying you to do this to us, huh? Better be a damn good amount!"

I knew I shouldn't have done it, especially as the man stormed into the cell and dragged me towards the door by my hair. I looked at the three leopards in the cell, wondering why they didn't escape. The cell door was open, and the guard was preoccupied with me.

Maybe they couldn't leave, or were too scared to find out what would happen if they did. After all, they had a little girl to care for.

I felt something being injected into my arm, causing me to wince in pain. But my body was so used to it by now from constant injections in the years prior that I didn't even struggle. I wish I'd never remembered, if I'm honest. I didn't like the things I remembered, I needed to talk to Zion and Chase when I get the chance.

Yes, I know they'll come back for me, as I found the tracking device they put under skin at the back of my neck. They believed me to be asleep, but the truth was that I didn't trust them enough to sleep much that first night.

I felt them do it, but as I said, I'm used to injections and my tired body had seemed almost paralysed. But now I'm thankful for it, though I'm not happy that they tried to do it behind my back. Truthfully, I like the feeling of being owned, being cared for. Messed up, right? Maybe it's due to my time alone, or maybe it was my childhood, being nothing more than a statistic in an experiment.

The guy holding me suddenly loosened his grip, and began talking rapidly on the phone.

My eyes pricked when I heard "Twins" and the man swearing. They must be here! I thought excitedly, only to have my hair yanked again.

"Oi! Get that hopeful look off your face, this place is so secure that thy haven't a hope in hell of getting inside, let alone finding you! Nobody has ever made it out of here!

I grinned at him smugly, recalling that I had somehow once escaped from here, and that I currently had a tracking device underneath my skin. And he doesn't know the brothers like I know them.

And I may not have leant everything about them, but I know that they don't give up if they desire something.

And somehow, luckily for me, I am that something.

"Useless. So broken. A failed creation. Never truly mate. Nobody will ever love you, you don't deserve love. You belong to the HTL, now and forever" more fragmented memories of speech flashed through my mind, killing my positive mood. Maybe they were right, whoever said that. Maybe I don't deserve love...

No, I cannot think so negatively! If I allow myself to be drawn into that depressing darkness, it will swallow me whole. I'm too weak, I need to become mentally stronger! But first, I need to get out of here.

With that thought, I began transforming into my leopard, biting my tongue so that I wouldn't cry out in pain. The average time it takes me is 7 minutes, but time is a luxury I cannot afford, not now.

I can't run fast enough in my human body,nor can I fight if necessary. I just hope I can change in time, before the guard notices something is up.

I need to learn to control the shift, and I need to do it now.

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