Chapter 48 - Forever Family

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                                                        —- 6 Years Later —-

Fabian's POV
"Daddy! Daddy's home!" Kira squealed, running into my arms the second I walked through the door.

I grinned at her, lifting her up and swinging her around just the way she likes. She giggled happily.

"Yay! Daddy!" The other little terror yelled, latching onto my leg.

"Hello little ones, I'm home" I smiled warmly, lifting them both up into my arms. A lot has happened over the years, all for the better.

Chase, Zion and I grew closer, and solidified our bond. We had two beautiful children together, Kira and Zak, who we love unconditionally. Kira is Chase's, Zak is Zion's, but we don't discriminate. We're all family, and family look out for one another.

"Hello, love. We missed you too" Chase smiled, kissing my forehead as Zion embraced me from behind and kissed my neck.

"I was only gone for a few hours, you're silly" I mumbled. In truth, I missed them all just as much.

"How are they all? Are they doing well?" Chase asked worriedly. I nodded.

"They're all doing great. Most of the parents have been reunited with their children, and all the orphans have been signed over to forever families. They've been through so much, but they're fighters, all of them"

"That's good to hear. You're so selfless, Fabian, caring for all those people whilst they get back on their feet. You're everything I thought you'd be and more" Chase said, kissing my forehead again. I blushed slightly.

"Hey Daddy! Come play tag with us!" Zak said excitedly. Kira nodded in agreement, and I set them down. These kids are going to wear me out! I do like playing with them though, I love to see them joyful. I'll give them the childhood I never had.

"I'd love to! No biting though!" I chuckled as Zak bared his fangs playfully. I laughed lightly. He's so much like Zion.

Life is almost perfect now.

Zion's POV
I couldn't keep the smile from my face as I watched Fabian play with our two gorgeous children in his leopard form. They ran around him giddily, pouncing on him, latching onto his legs.

They really love him, just like we do. It's hard not to love Fabian.

"In the end, it was worth it" Chase smiled. "We put him though so much, but he's a little fighter, our Fabian. I knew he'd pull through, he's strong"

I hummed, nodding my head in agreement. "Yes. We made the right choice. It would have broken us both beyond repair to lose him"

I have no regrets anymore. Every choice I've made up until now has lead up to this moment, and for the first time in my life, I feel content. 

I'm glad I chose to live.

Chase's POV
Everything all worked out in the end.

I smiled softly at Fabian and Zion as they put the children to bed. Smiling. It's something I've been doing a lot of recently.

As Fabian sang to Kira and Zak, I caught a glimpse of his new fangs. Yes- everything is going to be just fine. I laced my fingers between Zion's, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

Love always prevails.

Aww we're at the end! Wow though, this is the longest story I've ever written, and probably the one I've enjoyed writing the most!

Thank you to all the support from everyone reading, without your positive comments my procrastinating ass wouldn't get anything done and I'd still be trying to write chapter two xD

I think I loved this story so much because every time I picked it up, the characters almost seemed to write their own stories, if you know what I mean. It started as me creating characters to me almost trying to scribble down events as Chase, Zion and Fabian waltzed through life 😂 (I feel like that analogy made more sense in my head)

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this hot mess of a book, hopefully I'll see you all again in Phoenix's story or the GhiraLink fanfiction I'm currently writing, because god knows I'll need your help again go keep me going x3

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