Chapter 47 - Nothing Lasts Forever

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Zion's POV
I can't find it in my heart to feel bad for what I've done. As far as I'm concerned, I did the right thing by ridding the world of some evil people. After I'd finished dealing with Lukah and Doctor Redi, I hunted down all the other doctors and researchers. They must all pay for their part in this.

The most common reason I got when I demanded to know why they did what they did was 'the orders came from above'. But that's no reason to experiment on others. The Nazis killed millions and used the same excuse. It doesn't make it right, even if it's the truth they speak.

As for Lukah... I may have loved him once, but that's ancient history. And he hurt someone very dear to me, for that I could not forgive him.

Eventually, I made it home, and was surprised to be greeted by Fabian running into my arms.

"Thank you, Zion. I really appreciate you and all you've done for me, it must be putting great emotional strain on you to have that on your conscience... Oh yeah, Chase guessed what you were up to when you disappeared so suddenly"

I was slightly taken aback. I honestly thought he'd yell at me in fits of tears when he found out. I guess he's matured. Our Fabian is growing up, but I still see the adorable boy with the gorgeous green eyes that we picked up on day one.

"Hey, Chase, Zion?" Fabian said quietly, his voice muffled slightly by my shirt. "Do you think we can be a forever family? And eventually raise a child together? I want to give them the childhood I never had"

"Of course, Fabian. We love you so much, we'll do almost anything to make you happy. Without turning you into a spoilt brat, of course!" Chase grinned.

Fabian reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him into our three way embrace.

"Promise you'll be by my side, as long as I live?" Fabian said softly, his voice breaking at the end. Chase and I exchanged a sad look.

We all know this can't possibly last forever. Fabian will grow old and die, despite living longer than the average human. And Chase and I will live on, somehow.

So we have to make the most of whatever precious time we have together. And when Fabian does eventually move on to the next life, my brother and I have vowed to never love another as we love Fabian.

Because that would be impossible.

I want to turn him, but my brother refused. Said it's not what Fabian would want, and that he's had enough experimenting done on him without the added strain. Besides, we don't even know how the toxins will affect his altered body, never mind if it'd work. It might just result in shortening his lifespan, and neither of us are willing to take the risk.

So we'll treasure every memory and every moment spent together. There's no point feeling sad - everyone has to cross over eventually.

Immortality really is a curse. We fall in love. We watch our lover die. We make new friends. We watch those friends die. We isolate ourselves. This caused us pain. It's an endless cycle. We couldn't curse Fabian with the same torturous fate because of our own selfishness.

But, we decided together, that when we've lived out this life with Fabian, we'll attempt to do something no vampire has ever done before. We'll try and find a way to end this curse. To cross over. To be with Fabian again.

"You know, thinking about the inevitability of death won't help anything" Fabian said, offering a small smile. "Let's just live every second we have together to the fullest!"

I gave him a small, sad smile in return. Yes, but you're not the one who'll have to live on without one of their lovers.

"We love you so much, Fabian" Chase murmured, kissing the top of Fabian's head. "Let's form a bright future for ourselves"

Fabian grinned, squeezing us both tighter. "I love you both too, no matter what, and I always will. You saved me, both of you, and I'll never stop being grateful"

"No, Fabian. It was you that saved us"
Sorry it's so short, but I'm sad to say we're nearing the end of this mess of a book xD This chapter is just setting up for the last one ^^

I really enjoyed writing it though, even if it needs a hell of a lot of editing and a lot of inconsistencies to patch up. I promise that at some point in the future when I get the time (aka when my teachers free me of the suffering that A-levels bring for the Summer) I'll go back and edit this book 🤗

Just one more chapter to go ^^

And if you've got time, I'm writing my first fanfiction, 'Bound By The Thread Of Fate' (a GhiraLink fanfic xD) at the moment and I'd appreciate any feedback 🤗 (shameless self promo ahah 😂👌🏻)

I'm also currently working on Phoenix's story too for those of you who have been patiently waiting. I plan to write ahead, so hopefully the updates will run more smoothly and you won't have to wait basically a year for me to get over my writers' block when it inevitably happens xD

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