Chapter 33 - Curiosity

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Fabian's POV
"Go to sleep" I grumbled, rolling away from Chase, who wouldn't stop kissing my neck. My relationship with them has flourished recently, meaning I have begun to accept their affection more, whichever way they choose to show it. It feels amazing to be cared for and loved, but if they won't go to sleep soon I can't carry out my plan. Or rather, satisfy my curiosity.

"But I love you" Chase whispered, wrapping his arms around my body. Zion sighed audibly.

"Don't hog him. I want a turn" I raised an eyebrow at him, which I'm sure he couldn't see in the dark. How I'm going to leave this bed without waking them later is a mystery. Why do I have to sleep in the middle?

Then, an idea struck me. "I need the bathroom" I complained, wriggling. "And if you don't let me go, I'm not going to be the one changing sheets"

Reluctantly, after a minute or so, Chase relaxed his arms and I was freed from my cage. But not before he could make my comment dirty.

"We can experiment with that if you like, Fabian. Pee play has been rising in popularity recently. It's not my style though" Zion murmured, stroking a single finger down my exposed stomach. I response, I hastily pulled my oversized shirt down and scooted to the end of the bed in my butt.

"Don't be long" they said in sync, and I silently vowed to take my time.

When I was sure they couldn't see me, I changed direction and opened the door to the study, where all the books are kept. Instantly, my eyes fell upon the book I was looking for- the one filled with Zion's beautiful cursive writing. The scripture so beautiful, yet the writing so vulgar. Yet it made me feel... funny? No, I don't know what the right word is.

Tucking the book underneath my shirt I headed to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I listened for a moment, but when only silence greeted me I crouched down and opened the book at the first page.

April 10
When Chase suggested to go and search for the elusive shifter, claiming he had a confirmed location of residence, I thought it was a stupid idea. Our parents were responsible for the capture of his adoptive family, did he just wish to capture the sole survivor for our use?

I didn't agree. It was almost too cruel, taking a vulnerable, broken shifter in to use for our own desires. But the voice urged me, pushed me forward. 'Do it, Zion. We can use him, and feel good together. Fuck him, drain him, dispose of his broken body. Doesn't that sound good?'

So I agreed to go after him. The voice in my head took control.

April 23
I tried so hard to fight, but I was too weak. However, ever since my eyes met his, the voice has been silent. I feel in control, however my desire to ravish him as only increased with the proximity and duration. I've never felt like this before, not even with Lukah during our good years. I suppose I'm just going to have to use this book to sate my desires for now. However, at least the voice is silent.

April 24
I slowly rubbed the small boy through his shorts, slowly making him stiffen. But I'll make him wait. I'll make him scream my name, beg for me to take him. I won't go all the way until he's desperately begging for it, for-

"You know, it's rude to go through other people's things without permission"

I spun around, hiding the book behind my back as I fell backwards onto my ass. My eyes fell upon shoes, and slowly, I tilted my head upwards, already knowing who's eyes I would meet. Shit, I forget to lock the door!

"Too late for that" Zion hissed, gesturing the the book I was hiding behind my back. "But since you're so curious and insist on testing my restraint, why don't we act out some of the scenes I worked so hard to create?"

I gulped, remembering some of what I'd read a moment before, as well as when I was looking through the pages the previous day. Oh shit.

Thankfully, Chase also appeared to have come looking for me, thus saving me from Zion's perverted desires. Or so I thought.

How wrong I was. They must both be at their limits.

"You know, I think we've been patient long enough, Zion. How about we experiment a little? Don't worry, Fabian. We won't push you too far- and I'm sure you'll enjoy it, especially as reading a mere paragraph of Zion's fantasies has make you so excited. Damn, you must be deprived!" he winked at me, his eyes lingering on my crotch. "But we'll only help you with permission. Rape isn't my style, nor is abuse. So, what'd ya say?"

I thought for a moment, painfully aware of how uncomfortable my crotch felt. "Can you get rid of this feeling?" I questioned, cracking my knuckles nervously as I awaited a response. I wanted the tight feeling to go away, but I was scared of how they would accomplish that. And when the reply came I wasn't sure whether to feel relived or terrified.

"Yes. Yes we can"
Sorry, I know this chapter sucks. I was having a block 😭

Anyway, I need your input! Is it too soon for da smut? (Obviously not sex quite yet). I don't know whether to put a little in the next chapter or nah 😅

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