Chapter 2 - Our Little Leopard

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I wasn't supposed to update yet, but I found time to write ^.^ Unfortunately I won't be able to update this fast normally from now on until after June, as my GCSE's are coming up really soon xxx

Chase's POV
The young leopard who lay sleeping before my brother and I was absolutely gorgeous. I can't believe he's ours.

We planned to give him a much needed bath first and then take him meet our father, but he fell asleep in my arms and neither of use wanted to wake him.

"Beautiful, isn't he?" I sighed softly. Zion nodded in agreement, his hand reaching for mine. He interlocked our fingers and gave my hand a squeeze, just as our sweet little leopard began to stir.

We watched as he inhaled the scent of the bed, before his eyes opened. He looked confused, until he saw us.

Scrambling to his feet, he leapt off the side of the bed furthest away from where we stood, and slid underneath.

"Not this again" Zion groaned, releasing my hand. "Out you get, little pup. You're going in the bath"

I peered under the bed, and wide, scared eyes met my own. I thought he'd calmed down, but I guess it's going to take more than an hour in my arms to achieve that. I wish for him to feel comfortable here before we discuss with him what we desire, but my brother over there wants to skip all the stages and put it in his ass, apparently.

That's probably why you're reading our story though, isn't it?


"Come out, little one. We didn't mean to startle you" when he made no move to come out, I told my brother to go and get some food for him from downstairs. We'd prepared already for the strong, almost certain possibility that we would find him, like we did. We're both well known within the clan for our superior tracking abilities. Once we caught hold of his scent, there was nowhere left for him to hide.

Zion soon returned, crouching down and holding the food out for the nameless leopard. How I wish he'd feel comfortable enough to shift, so he could talk to us, tell us his name...

Shuffling sounds could be heard from underneath the bed, and slowly, a nose appeared. Zion took a step back, coaxing the young leopard to come further out. It took a while, but eventually, he had ventured out from under the bed fully.

Zion let him eat the food from his hand, grinning at me. The best way to make an animal, leopard or any other, feel more comfortable with you was to feed them by hand. Our little one will begin to relax soon enough.

"How old do you think he is?" I asked my brother, who just shrugged in response.

"I'm not sure. He can't be any older than twenty, though. I've heard that the size of the leopard resembles what type of person the shifter is, so we can't base his age on his size. But from the size of his leopard and the way he's been acting, I'd say he's the shy, anxious type"

"No shit" I mumbled, scooping the small leopard into my arms as he finished eating. He looked up at me with wide eyes, but didn't try anything as I carried him into the adjoining bathroom.

I placed him down on the floor, just as my brother came in behind me and shut the door. I started the water and added a mild soap, careful not to make the water too hot for the little leopard to handle.

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