The new kid

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Serena POV

I wake to my mom screaming "SERENA GET OUT OF BED NOW BEFORE I GET YOU!!!!"
I look at the clock. "7:45!!!!!! The bus leaves at eight!!!!" I got out of the bed as quickly as possible and get my clothes on and rush downstairs.

"Good morning mom."
"Good morning honey. Would you like pancakes or eggs and bacon?"
I grabbed the pancakes and stuffed it in my mouth."Thanks mom! I'm leaving! Love you!!!" "Have fun on your first day of school!"

I ran as fast as I could to the bus station. In the distance I could see some of my friends. Clemont, Dawn, May and Gary.
"Good morning guys!" I say panting like a dog. "Wow someone slept in today." Said Clemont. Clemont is a GENIUS. He is really good at making machines. Even though it explodes every tiem(LOL) He has blond hair with a light blue jumpsuit(?!) and his dream is to become a scientist.

Says Dawn kinda screaming at my face. Dawn is a really loud girl. She can never stop talking. She also ships people. A lot........
She has blue hair with yellow clips and a beanie. She has a scarf and wears black and pink short dress(?!) "We literally saw each other yesterday" said May. May is a really sweet girl. She can be a bit clumsy sometimes but that's why we all love her. She has brown hair and a red bandanna on her hair.

We all just sweat drop and stare at her. "Oh, right......" "Well how was your summer you guys?" "I had so much fun playing video games ALL DAY" said Gary. Gary has brown spiky hair. He's one of those boys who kinda stalks on every girl.... The flirty type lets just say. "Wait I don't stalk on girls!!! I just stare at them and compliment!!!" "STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL WE LITERALLY JUST STARTED!!!!!!!"
As I was saying........

Just as everyone was getting excited, the bus comes so we hop on. I sat next to Dawn. She is kinda loud sometimes but she is my bestie! Everyone was talking about their summer vacation when Gary came from behind.

"Hey did you hear? There's going to be a new kid coming!" "Wow that's exciting! Do you know if it's a girl or a boy?" May asks with sparkles in her eyes. "Well I don't know for sure, but granps told me it is a he." (BTW Gary's granpa is Professor Oak. He is one of the teachers at Sycammore High) "Oooo it's a boy. I wonder if he's hot." I sigh at that. Dawn is really into 'boys' and I don't mind that. I'm not really into them. "Well, we'll just have to see." says Clemont.

We get off the bus and we go to our usual meeting spot. There we see our other friends. Misty, Iris, Paul, Drew, and Barry. "Good morning guys!"Misty yells. Misty is like a big sister to us. But she can get mad easily, but she is really strong. She has orange hair which is tied on the top aide of her hair. (Again lazy...)

"Wow she's in a good mood today." Gary whispers. "I HEARD THAT" "Here it goes again." Clemont sighs. We all just watch Gary gettin beat up by a girl.
"How can they have so much energy on the first day of school?!" Barry says. (Lazy)

"Well it is 'them' we're talking about, so it kinda makes sense

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"Well it is 'them' we're talking about, so it kinda makes sense." Drew sighs and shakes his head. (I'm sorry!)

We all laugh on that comment

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We all laugh on that comment.
"Well anyways have you guys seen the new kid?" Iris asks as she jumps up and down. Iris is very active and she can't never stop moving. Literally. She is constantly moving 24/7. I wonder how she sleeps at night. She has long purplish hair with two yellow clips.

"No. I don't even know what he looks like." Says Paul. Honestly I don't think he really cares that much....(I'm too lazy to put a description of him so here's a picture)

"Well I hope we get to meet him today!" I say as the bell rings

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"Well I hope we get to meet him today!" I say as the bell rings. Well it's time to go. We all run to our lockers and grab our books.

I check my schedule. Math Science Art Gym History Japanese(only because author speaks it :P)
Ughhhhh I hate math. I hope I get a good teacher this year. Last year I had Mr. Brona and he was the most slow talking teacher I had.
I was about head over when someone tapped me on the back. I turn to see a boy. I had never seen around. He had a blue shirt with jeans. Had a cap on which covered his Raven hair. And he had big hazel eyes I couldn't stop staring at. Wait. What did I just say? Never mind. "I'm Ash Ketchum and I'm new here. Could you show me to room 739?"

Thank you for reading my first chapter. This is my first fanfic so don't judge me. Also I'm Japanese so sorry if I don't English good:P if you would like me to continue make sure you comment! And also tell me what ships you would like to be in this book.(well besides amour duh.)
Thank you again for reading and hope I see you again!


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