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February 14th

Serena POV

I realize that I woke up. Weird. I never wake up without my alarm. It was still pretty dark. I turn on my phone. 5:47. Wow. Why am I awake this early. It's Valentine's Day.

I look at my self in the mirror about one hundred times.
I had to make sure that
I looked PERFECT.
And I grabbed the perfectly wrapped box and carefully placed it in my backpack.

I spent the whole day just making this one chocolate for him. It was a heart shaped chocolate with a bit of hazel nuts. I don't know why I added the nuts. Probably because it's the color of his eyes.

His hazel brown eyes.

I didn't put LOVE on it because I wanted that word to come out of my mouth. I just put some decoration with colored chocolate.
I have made a bunch of sweets in my life because I love doing that but I have never spent so much time on one piece of chocolate. I'm proud of it though. 

~time skip to school~

I jumped off the bus and headed straight to my girls. I know I wasn't the only one confessing today. It's the day of love! Today is the perfect day.

"Good morning guys!" I wave at them and they wave back.
"OMG Serena guess what! May is going to confess to him today!" Iris screamed. "Not so loud Iris!" Misty shouted. "Oops sorry." She said.
"But I thought she already did that at the sleepover?" I ask.
"That was a dare! I'm going to do it from my heart this time." She pouted. "Awww." We all say. We giggle seeing May blushing. Just then the bell rang. "Well, see you all at lunch!" I say and I head off to my locker.
"Good morning Serena!" I see him.
"Good morning Ash!" I smile.
"Let's go to class together."
He says. I see him holding a paper bag. It looks like it's stuffed with something.
"Hey Ash, what's that bag of yours?" I ask him.
"Oh, this? It's just full of chocolates that some of the girls gave me this morning."
My heart stopped for a second.
He has already received some?
"I'm not really used to Kalos's Valentine thing because back in Kanto, the boys would give to the girls. Apparently in Kalos, the girls give to the boys." He said with a little giggle. That calmed me down a bit. "H-hey A-Ash?" "What's up?"
"C-can I t-talk to you in p-private after s-s-school?" I say trying to hide my tomato read face.
"Sure thing!" He says with a cute voice.
I smile and drag him to class.

It's the one and only.....

Drumroll please.....


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I see that stupid brat going to class with MY SENPAI! UGHH. That girl. If she would be gone, my life would be a paradise. But that's not how life works sadly. But dreams do come true. Oh, I'll make my dreams come true with my night in shining armor! I'll just MAKE him
Be with me!!!!

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