I can't hate you

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Finally! It's my favorite time of the day. Lunch time! I told Serena to go on ahead without me because I had to turn in Professor Oak my report.

I was heading to lunch when a girl jumped in front of me. To be honest, I got kinda scared.
"Hi! My name is Miette! I heard you were the new kid and I always wanted to talk to you. Do you mind if I go to lunch with you? I want to know more about you." The short blue haired girl said. That was a sudden thing to say. But I ignored my thoughts and nodded.

But instead she took me not to the food paradise. But a quiet classroom. It looked liked it wasn't even used. "Where are we?" I asked.
"Well, I wanted to tell you something so I took you here! This was a music room but now it's just an empty classroom. Peace and quiet. Like I wanted it to be!" She smiled.
I got chills down my spine. I wasn't sure where she was going with this.

"Ummmm..... I'm sorry but I really have to go to lunch. What did you want to tell me?"
I said.

"Well it's just that I like you a lot
And I want to go out with you."
Say what now?! Ummm let's see uhhhhh NO. Is what I wanted to say. But I tried to be as polite as possible.

"I'm sorry but I literally met you like 2 minutes ago and I don't really know you so...."

Then she pulls my ears close to her mouth.

"Look, I know you like Serena.
But I like you. That's not going to work. So if you don't go out with me, I will make her life a living nightmare. Now, you wouldn't want that to happen to your precious right?" She whispers.

I couldn't exactly understand her words. My whole body felt weak and I collapsed on my knees.

"D-don't you dare...." I say. Trying to get words out of my mouth.
"Now will you go out with me?"
She says with an evil grin.

Of course I don't want to go out with her. I like Serena! But I don't want anything to happen to her...
I'm doing this for her.


"All right boyfriend, let's go to lunch !" She said and grabbed my arms.

I see all of my friends sitting in their usual spots.
"Hey Ashy-boy! Where've you been? Your never late for food!"
Gary exclaims.
"Sorry guys, I had to turn in my report to Professor Oak and//"
"I'm Ash's girlfriend now!
So he doesn't have time spending his time with you brats. Now come on Ash, let's go eat lunch alone."
Miette said. WHAT THE HECK!
"Wait but///" "No buts! Now come on!"

Dawn POV

WHAT IS SHE DOING WITH HIM! He likes Serena, not Yandere girl. "Who does she think she is!"
Misty yells. "Well she is the drama queen after all." May shrugs.
"Don't you guys get it, Ash likes Serena! Not her!" I say.
"Hey by the way, where is Serena?"
Paul says.
"Now that you mention it, where is she? She was with us when we were stalking on them." Barry said.
Oh no she couldn't have.......
"She must've ran away from shock or something!"
I say in fear.
"Oh god, that's bad......." Iris says.
" Are you saying she went home?"
Drew asked.
"Probably......" But she was suppose to ask I him.....
"Oh, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind!" Misty yells.
"No, Misty stop!" Iris pulls on her.
Oh Serena, where are you.......

Serena POV

The next thing I knew I was crying on my bed at home. I thought I was at school stalking on Ash.

But I wasn't.

I was in a dark quiet room. My mom wasn't here so it was just me and nothing. I've never ran away from school.

But I felt like I had to.

I just can't believe Ash is dating someone. The stupidest person in the whole world. I knew I had to except it. But I couldn't.
I don't even feel like going to school. It'll rip my heart to a million pieces. Even if it already is.

I hate Ash. I wanted to hate Ash.
He was using me. He was always there by my side. All those precious memories, are tossed away.

But I couldn't. I tried so hard, but I just couldn't.

I turn my head around for air and I see a blurry box in my back pack.
Oh ya, I was going to ask him today. Well not anymore.

I wipe away my tears and head downstairs. I open the box and see a perfectly made heart chocolate. I break the chocolate little by little. Place them in a bowl and microwaved it. I see it slowly melt,
the rose decoration turned to a pink blob.

It looked just like mine.

Miette POV

Finally! Senpai is mine! I told you dreams come true! He will stay with me forever and ever and ever...

I will never let go of my senpai.

Sad!!!!!! It was so hard writing this. Thank you for reading this chapter. Did you notice the song? It was the perfect song for this chapter. It was like made for this!!!!!
Anyways, I hate Miette even more now and I hope you enjoy your day!

('Д' ) 璃子★

Poor Serena

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Poor Serena....;-;

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