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Serena POV

I wake up miserably. I have never been so sad in my life. I didn't feel like going to school today. Heck I literally ran away from it yesterday. I sighed. And got dressed. I dragged my self down stairs and munched on some cereal and headed out.
The moment I go outside, I see her and Ash going to school together.
Oh, ya. He lives right next to me.
I kinda forgot with all these things in my head. I slowly walked behind them because I didn't want to go greet them.
I walk to school. I didn't feel like riding the bus today too.

"Serena! Are you ok? You left us without saying anything."
Dawn hugs. "I'm fine, my brain was just not working I guess."
I smile. A fake one. She frowns.
"It's about Ash, isn't it......."
I stop at those words. NO I already cried enough. Just stop.

"Come on let's go to class!" I say trying to change the subject.

I get to class and I was about to go to my desk, I remembered something. I sit next to Ash in math. WHY DID I DO THIS!!!
I have to sit next to him?!?!
That's like impossible!!!!!
Calm down Serena, it's only for one class. You can do it!

I take a seat before he comes in and take out my books.
Then he comes. I look the other way so I won't make eye contact.
But I wanted to see his beautiful eyes. I wanted to see him. But I forced myself not to.

Math was probably a decade long.
All I was thinking was not to do anything with him. We just sat there, doing nothing. I mean to be honest, he was probably doing the same thing so it all worked out.
I ran out of the classroom ASAP.

~lazy author will be time skipping to lunch~

I went to my locker to put my books when I heard someone call my name.
"Hey Serena." Calem said.
"Hey, what's up?" He takes a deep breath.
"Um c-can I t-talk to you a-after school? A-a-a-alone......."

Ummm. Okay.......
"Sure! Well I guess see you after school!" Then I ran to the cafeteria. To greet my friends.


I've only been dating Miette for not even a whole day and it's so miserable. She won't let me talk to my friends and especially Serena.
Math was a nightmare. She didn't look over once. I was horrified.
I wanted to tell her that I'm doing for her. That I loved from the bottom of my heart.

But I couldn't.

It was already lunch. Great. I get be with Miette. Lucky me. *sarcasm*
"Hey Ash! Let's go to our usual spots!" Then she drags me to the music room. Then she starts blabbering about how her friends were not loyal to her. I don't care?!
Why are you telling me this?!

"Hey, are you free after school?
I want to go shopping!" She claps her hands.
Please someone kill me now!!!!
Let's do a bit of math shall we.
I hate shopping so...

"U-um I'm sorry, but I have to work on a science project so how about tomorrow?" I say, nervously.
"All right fine. But you better promise me. Got to go. Ta-ta!"
Then she flips(?) her short hair and walks away. Why am I doing this again?

Finally time to go home. Honestly home wasn't that safe but it was better than here. I decided to take a walk around the school garden to refresh myself.

As I was walking, I heard someone talk. I tiptoes to a bush. I peeked between the leaves to see Serena and shipcrusher.

Author POV

"Hey Calem, what's the matter?"
Serena asks Calem.

"I wanted to say that I have never met anyone beautiful like you and I fell for you as soon as I saw you.
You make me happy by just your beautiful voice. And I would like to have you by my side. Will you go out with me?" Wow. He said it without stammering. Great job dude! *claps hands*

Now what will Serena say?

She stands there with a straight face.
Well, Ash has a girlfriend now and maybe if i go out with him, I'll get Ash off of my mind! Serena thought.

Author thinks that is wrong. Don't do it Serena! Pleeeeeese

"Well, I may not know anything about you but I would like to take it slowly. We're a thing now, but don't go too far." She giggles.

"R-really! Thanks Serena!"
Calem said. He stammers here?!

Now remember who is watching this, the one and only Ash!

Of course he is heart broken. He couldn't move a muscle. He just watched the love of his life become someone else's. He just sat there not knowing what to do.

He had regretted every single one of his actions.

You guys have been desperate for a chapter so here it is!
Its sort of another cliff hanger but oh well :P Now Calem and Serena are together.
What will they Ash do?
Does he accept this?
How about the gang?
Are they just going to watch the two of them separate from each other?
Is Amourshipping over?
(Please don't get mad at me
This is an AMOURSHIPPING fanfic)
We'll find out soon but not so soon....
Sorry about the grammar mistakes. English is not my first language sooo....
Hope you enjoy your day!!

o(^^)o 璃子★

Adorable  (♡o♡)

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