Sleepover Part 3

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Serena POV

As we all headed back we were screaming, congratulating and just having fun. "All right, enough girls. Now it's my turn." Says May still kinda blushing. "All right, Iris truth or dare?" "Mmm... Truth!"

"Let's  see...... I really don't think you like someone, so.... OH YAH!!
Didn't you say you had a boyfriend? Is that true?" Iris started blushing. "N-no I don't have a boyfriend who lives in Unova and has green hair and eyes! Bfffffff....." (You guys know who I'm talking about) We all sweat drop.

"Iris were not dumb, we know you're lying." Says Misty.
"Ooooooo show us a picture! Please!" Bonnie begged with puppy eyes. "Fine! I will. But don't you dare say anything to anyone!" "We promise!" Everyone said. Then, Iris took out her phone, and showed us a picture

 Then, Iris took out her phone, and showed us a picture

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"Aww that's adorable!" May said.
"You two are wearing a kimono! That's even MORE adorable!" Dawn said.

"Shut up! Now it's my turn. Muwahahaha!" I'm so scared.
"Serena, truth or dare?" Why me! why me! " Dare!" I said. Cause I didn't want anything to happen to me. "Hmmmmmm I dare you to go in the closet for five minutes with...... Ash!"

"WAIT WHAT!" Dawn and I scream. (You know why) "Why is it Ash?" "Because when we were playing twister, and you fell, you two had the most funniest faces so I thought if you guys a did a similar thing, we could get to see those faces again!" Iris says. I face palm my self from defeat and also from covering my blush. Wait, why am I blushing?

"Well, dares a dare hon." Misty says. "F-fine I'll do it!"
I went over to Dawn, "I'm so sorry!" I whisper to her. "It's alright , it's a dare after all." She says, faking a smile.

I go down to the boys and go to Ash. "Are you going to kiss him now?" Paul said. Ash, Drew, May and I blush. "N-NO! I'm just here for another dare!" I scream. I tell Ash and we go into Dawns closet and close the door. "All right five minutes begin..... Now!" Iris says.

~in the closet~

"I'm so sorry I got you into this mess!" I say. I am literally leaning on his chest. I could feel his heart beat and could feel him breathing on my forehead. I start blushing like crazy but it's dark so he won't notice. "It's fine. But you girls will do anything for truth and dare!" We both laugh. "Well that's just us girls!" I say


Well here I am in a closet with a girl. Wow I never thought I would say those exact words. Serena is leaning on me. Her honey blonde hair kinda tickles my neck. I could smell her sweet scent from her shampoo. Now I'm a hentai. Great.

"Hey Serena?" I say breaking the silence. " Yes?" She says looking up. "I just wanted to say thank you for all of this. I really don't think I would've gotten so many friends if it weren't for you."
"You're welcome, 'Ashy-boy'!"
"Hey don't call me that!" She laughs. I like her laugh. I can't really see her face but her eyes are shining from a ray of light between the doors. They're like stars on a night sky.

We both joke around till I hear Iris scream, "All right times up!" We both open the doors to reveal light. It was kinda hurting my eyes, since we were in the dark.

"All right Ash, this is the girls room, so you better get out of here before I get you out of here!" Says Misty. My instincts told me to run, so I ran back stairs.

"Hey! Ashy-boy you're back! Did you have fun?" Said Gary smirking.
"We were just in the closet talking, and you know we're still in high school!" I say. "I know I was just asking;)" Ohh Gary. "Are you sure you were just talking?" Said Barry. "Yes! I am SURE!"

Serena POV

I see Ash running downstairs. I kinda chuckle seeing him panicking. "Well, you two had fun." Said Misty, settling down. "We were just talking you know." I say. "Well we heard you two laugh so tell me all the juicy stuff!" Said Bonnie. "You guys we were just joking around! Plus he helped me think of my next truth or dare!" I say. "

All right Dawn truth or dare?" "Dare!" She quickly says.
"I dare you to do step four of our plan!" Dawn just stares at me while everyone else has a 'what?' Look. "Now?" She says. "No, not now, maybe tomorrow!" "What's step four?" May asks.

"NOTHING!" Dawn and I scream. Well guess you all will find out soon. "I'm sleepy so I'm going to bed." Bonnie says. "But I didn't get to dare you!" Dawn says still blushing.  "Goodnight!" She says. "Oh Bonnie" we all sigh.

We all went to bed and I couldn't get Ash from my mind. And my fuzzy feelings towards him or the fact that my brain is telling me that I am doing the wrong thing when I help dawn.

That night is when I realized that I am jealous of Dawn and likes Ash.

Ooooo this was so much fun to write! Thank you for reading this chapter. Sorry if I'm going on a really slow pace with the chapters.  Also I LOVE PRB12!!!! He makes the most amazing AMV! So please go check him out! I really have nothing else to say so thank you and I hope you enjoy your day bye!

Also look at this picture! This is what Dawn is dreaming right now.


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