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Serena POV

It's been like what, 2 weeks since Ash and I started dating.

I still can't believe we're dating!!!

Oh ya, let me update you guys on what happened through out the 2 weeks.

Well first of all, Miette and Calem got expelled from the school after the 'incident'.

Ash's arm is 100% healed.(yay)

Everyone knows that we're dating.

We've even had some dates.

Well anyways, let me stop breaking the fourth wall before the author gets mad ^_−☆

~Time skip school~

I'm so hungry! I need the food!
I thought as I walk to our usual spot in the cafeteria.

When I walk in, a lot of people were looking at some kind of poster. Including all of my girls.

I run up to them.

"Hey guys, whatcha looking at?"
I ask.
"Serena!!!!! You don't know?"
Iris practically yells at me.
"Know what?"
"Prom is coming up!!!! Kyaaa!
I'm so excited!!!"
May shouts.

Prom? It's already that time of the year?

"May! Iris! Will you two keep it down?"
Misty says kinda angrily.

"Sorry Misty. But we're just so excited! It's everyone's dream to go to prom."

Can't complain about that.

"Wow, I can't believe it's already prom season."
I say as I take a bite off my sandwich.

"I know!!! You know what that means........ ALL OF MY SHIPS WILL BE GATHERING IN ONE PLACE!!!! It's like shipping heaven!" Dawn says.

Oh, Dawn. We still love you though.

"Oooooo. Who will you guys go with? Huh, Serena."

Iris smirks at me.
I feel my face burn up.

"Sh-shut up Iris!!!"

They all giggle.

"I still can't believe your dating Ash. I told you all of my ships come true."
Dawn says proudly.

"Ok, Serena is definitely going with Ash, May is going with Drew and Iris is going with that Cilan guy.....
Dawn and I are #foreveralone!"

Misty says.

"Don't say anything like that. I'm sure you two have interest in someone.... Right Dawn? Right Misty?"
I smirk at the two.

"N-no I don't!!!"
They both say at the same time.

"All right! We need to talk to Gary and Paul right away!!! Those two better ask you two out....."
May says.

"Huh? Did you call us?"
Gary and Paul stares at us.

Misty and Dawn say blushing like crazy.

The boys looked confused while May, Iris and I just laugh.

It's so obvious that they like each other but they're too scared to confess. Reminds me before I started dating 'him'

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