Where are you?

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Serena POV

I thought my life was already fixed.
It was perfect. I have my friends back. I had Ash back.
My vision started to get blurry. My eyes were watering. The next thing I knew I was crying on the ground.
I have to find them! And save them!
I'm the only one who can do this!

But...... How?

I don't even know where M&C are.
Heck, who is M&C?
I get up and I wipe away my tears. Think Serena think! What do they do in the movies?

I look around the park for some clues. I guess. And sure enough I found some footprints.
Leading towards a dark path.
"Man, I'm either lucky or I'm in some kind of movie/story." I mumble to myself. *cough*
I take a deep breath and follow the footprints. They're more like a oval shape thing but, you get what I'm trying to say.

OMG! I have to text mom and make up an excuse!
I grab my phone and text her.
Ummmm.... Let's see...

Serena:Can I stay at Dawn's today? Pretty please😥

Mom:Sure. Just don't cause any problems ok?😀

Serena:Thank you!!!!! 😍
Good night 😴

Ok. So that's done. I put my phone away and keep following.

Then the footprints stopped. What?! I look up and see a little house. It was pretty small with a red roof. It was pretty clean even though it was in the middle of nowhere. The lights were off so I couldn't see much of it.

"Are they here?"

I run towards the house.


Serena? Serena! No no no no no no no.... There's no way.
"Woah, you ok? You're shaking like crazy." Drew asked.
"Serena!" I yell. "Serena where are you? Are you there? Answer me!" I scream. I start banging my head on the wall.
It didn't hurt at all.
I don't even care what everyone said.
"Calm down! Your gonna hurt your self!" Clemont said. "I don't care! I just need to where Serena is!"

"Ash! Please calm down. I'm sure she's just fine." Dawn said.

I stop banging my head on the wall and breathe. I don't even know what to do anymore. "I'm sorry. I don't know what got over me." I sigh. "It's alright. You're not the only one who wants scream either." Gary replied.

"Will you shut up? You're baits. You're not suppose to scream. It'll only scare her away." The sassy voice said.
"WHO ARE YOU!" I scream.

"Who am I. Hehehehehe...... Let's just say I'm your future wife." The voiced said.
Huh? My future wife?
"What do you mean Ash's future wife? How are so determined that he's going to marry a kidnapper."
Misty scoffs.
"Shut up tsundere."
Misty clicks. "What•Did•You•Call•Me?" She says angrily.
"Ok. It's no time for fights right now ok?" May says.
"GAHHHHHH! You jerk! When I get my hands on you you're DEAD!" Misty yells.
"Whatever. Now shut up all of you. Bye-bye Ash! Hehe." Then we hear foot steps go away.

I get chills down my spine.
I'm so creeped out. My future wife?
Who is she? It's probably a girl because if it isn't than..... Let's not get into that.

"Who is she?" I say. "I dunno but she's in LOVE with you." Iris said.
"She called me a tsundere! Who does she think she is!" Misty complains. We all sweat drop.

Then we hear muffles from the ceiling. BTW They're in some kind of basement

"She's not coming today.
I'm tired. Let's just go to sleep."

"What?! We have to wait for her!"

"But I need my beauty sleep! Now come on!"

Then we the footsteps fade.
"I guess they're  human because they sleep." Barry joked.

"Isn't this our chance to escape?"
I say. "But how? We need to untie our selves if we even want to do something idiot!!" Paul complains.
I totally forgot he was here.

"I'm sleepy...." Iris mumbled.
"She's right. Let's get some sleep."
Dawn said.

We hear the door creak from the ceiling once again. "Hello?" We hear a voice. But it was a different voice. A familiar one.

"Someone came." Drew whispered.
"Who?" Gary asked. I only had one person in mind.

Cliff hanger!!!! You all know who it is though. :P
Thank you for reading this chapter! It's getting juicy!!! Yay!
Who is at the door?
Are they ever going to escape? What's happening to Serena? Find out in the next chapter!!!!!
Hope you enjoy your day!!

(-.-;)y-~~~ 璃子★

 Girl power!!!!

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Girl power!!!!

That episode when we all died of fangirling/fanboying too much

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That episode when we all died of fangirling/fanboying too much.

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