The Beach

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Very short chapter (I'm sorry)

Dawn POV

We all went to bed after we played truth or dare. Everyone was sleeping and snoring. (Not super loud) I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't get my mind off of what happened today between Ash and Serena.

First they were so close to kissing and then they went into a small room. Just the two of them. I know Serena didn't do those on purpose because first, Ash tried to save Serena and that's why he fell too....... Ash saved Serena...... Well that's not weird because they're friends. Then laughed in the closet..... Ash is so comfortable talking around Serena. But when I'm around, it just so awkward.... I'm going overboard. It's alright! Serena is the one who helped get through all of this and now I'm going to confess tomorrow! Better get some beauty sleep! Wow. I talked to myself a lot today. Meh.

~time skip next day~

Serena POV

    I wake up to a loud 'thud' noise. I look to see that Dawn fell off of her bed. I ran to her. "Are you alright Dawn?" She wakes up, rubbing her head. "I'm fine. I had the best dream! Why did I have to wake up?" She moaned. "Was it about Ash?" I smirked. "N-no!"  "Your cute when you blush you know?"
"Shut up." She pouted. I giggled. I kinda wanted to cry at the same time??????

We all woke up and had breakfast. It was a Saturday so it was pretty chill. We all changed and just talked in the living room.

"Do you guys wanna do something?" Barry said. "I don't know. Maybe go to the mall?" Dawn said. "NO!" All the boys said.
"All right all right, calm down." Iris and May said as the girls sweat dropped.

"How about we all go to the beach!
It will be so much fun!" I said. Yes that would be amazing! "Sure. I mean we get to see all those bikini gir....." "WHAT DID YOU SAY GARY!" Misty screamed. "Meep!" He runs. "COME BACK HERE YOU PERVERT!!!!!"

We all sweat drop. Well that's Misty and Gary for you. We all decided to go home, drop off our bags and meet at the beach at 1:00.


I can't wait to go to the beach! I haven't gone swimming in a while so it'll be so much fun. I didn't know where the beach was so I asked Gary to come and pick me up. I wanted to go with Serena but she told me that she went to the mall with the girls to go shopping. Sucks I can't go with her. :P

Just then I hear a knock on the door. I opened it and saw my pervert friend. "Hey! Ash-boy! Ready to go?" I didn't even bother to say anything. "Yup! Sure am. I am so excited." "For the bikini girls?" Gary says smirking. "You realize your the only one saying that?" " Nah. I don't care" I sigh.

We get to the beach and we see all the boys and Bonnie. "Hey guys!" Clemont says. "Bro can I go swimming yet?" Bonnie moans.
"Not until the girls get here."
"Hey, where are the girls?" Drew asked. He's right it's already 1:03.
"Serena told me the girls went shopping so maybe they're late." I say. "Pathetic." Paul murmurs. Oh Paul.

"Sorry guys were here!" Iris says. We all turn around to see the girls. Wearing their swimsuits.
"We went shopping so that's why we're late. We're sorry." May pants. We just stare at them. I stare at Serena especially.
"What are you staring at?" Barry smirks. "N-NOTHING!" "Yah yah whatever. Now let's go before you drool all over the place."

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I was really busy last week. Remember I still go to school. (I hate that word)
I promise I'll make a longer one tomorrow so stay tuned! Hope you enjoy your day!!


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