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Third Person

BTW today's chapter will be all third person because I'm too lazy to make each person POV Enjoy!

Serena is walking towards the theater. It's been a while since she went to the movies so she was super excited. Especially because she was going to watch the movie she has been dying to watch.

But little did she know, this was going to be a nightmare.

She stood by the ticket booth waiting for Calem. Then she heard a familiar voice. She turned around to see Dawn and Ash together.
Dawn was wearing something a bit different than her normal outfit.
Ash was wearing the same old thing.

 Ash was wearing the same old thing

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(Ignore the cute Pokemon.)

What are they doing here? Oh yeah they're going to the movies today. They look so happy. What is this emotional feeling?! Serena thought.

"Ash! Hurry up we need to get DA FOOD!" She yelled. "Ok but I need DA FOOD too ya know!" Then he bought two tickets and went inside. "Wasn't that Serena?" Ash said. "Sure was! Now let's get on with the mission! You remember right?" Ash nods. They go line up to get their food.

"Sorry I'm late Serena." Calem says. "No it's fine! I just came here to. Now let's go inside." "Y-you l-look b-b-beautiful....." He stammers. "T-thanks. I guess..."
She blushes. (GAHHHHHH)

This is what she's wearing

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This is what she's wearing.

They both go inside the theater. Serena spots Dawn and Ash waiting in the line. "I want popcorn and hot dogs and a slushy!" They both say. They giggle a little. Serena decides to keep an eye on them. She didn't even know why. "Hey wanna get some food before we go in?" Calem asks.
I nod and run to the line. I got a medium sized popcorn with coke.

I look around the theater and I saw them going over to the arcade.
"Hey Calem, since we have some time before the movie starts, wanna head to the arcade?" I ask.
"Sure!" He says. And we go in.

I see Ash trying to get a piplup plushy. Piplup is Dawns favorite character. He's getting one for her? That's not fair. Wait what am I thinking!!! She thought to herself. Calem looked at the honey blonde and he saw a worried face.
"Are you alright Serena, your face is a bit pale." "I-I'm fine! I'm just a bit tired I guess. Just then I hear a voice. "OMG Ash! You got it!!! Thank you so much!" She says happily, hugging her little plushy. "I know right! I'm a master at crane games!" He says proudly. "Hey, is Serena staring at us?" Dawn whispers. "I think she is" Ash responds. "Alright let's go with plan A" Ash nods.
"It looks like it's almost time to go to the movies. You ready to go?"
Ash says. "No! I want to play more!" She whimpers. "Well if your not going to use your legs to go to the movie, I will." He smirks. Then, he lifts Dawn up bridal style.

 Then, he lifts Dawn up bridal style

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"W-what the... Let me go Ash!"
She yells. "Hold my food please."
He calmly says. Dawn just gives up and take his food. Then they walk to the movie. Serena was boiling in anger. Why am I so angry? It's not that time of the month?!

"C'mon Calem let's go!" She says with an annoying tone. Calem gets a bit scared and just follows her.

The two 'couples' each take their seat. Serena and Calem were sitting right in front of Dawn and Ash. Alright Serena. I know you got a bit out of control but just relax. You've been dying to watch this movie. Just enjoy. She tells her self.

What's wrong with Serena? Why was she so angry? Did I do something wrong? Is it because of the two sitting right in front of us?Calem thought.

"Do you think the plan worked?" Dawn whispers. "Well I heard her scream 'Let's go Calem' behind us.
I think it worked." Ash whispers back. They both giggle quietly.

~time skip after the movie~

The movie has just ended. Everyone was leaving the theater.
"Wasn't that a great movie?" Calem said. "I know! I'm glad the girl followed her dreams! Thank you so much for inviting me today. It was a lot of fun." She smiles. Calem blushes. "N-no. It's fine."

"Ash I'm sleepy..." The piplup girl says. "Your the one who said you wanted to watch this!" The ravin haired boy sweat dropped.
"C'mon I'll walk you home." He says trying to hold Dawn.

What is this feeling! It's like my heart has been stabbed, but it doesn't hurt! Am I jealous......

Serena thought. She was walking home. She thought about what happened today. She was angry and just wanted to tell them to stop. She has a huge crush on Ash.
But Ash already rejected Dawn.
What's going on!!!!!!!!

Thank you for reading another chapter

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Thank you for reading another chapter. It was kind of hard to write this because I felt so bad for my gurl Serena.. And I know this wasn't that good again I wrote in a rush.
I've been kind of busy because I need to study for my 'finals' I guess you call it. It's a really important test so If I get a bad grade I'm probably going to regret it for the rest of my life so ya.......

But it will all go well so don't worry! Also I'm into gif's lately so I will be putting one or two gif's for every chapter!
Hope you enjoy your day

W('0')W 璃子★

Our beautiful SerenaI MISS HER SO MUCH#serenapleasecomebacktoalola

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Our beautiful Serena

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