King & Queen

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Serena POV

We were staring at each other. Lost within each others eyes.

When someone yelled my name.

"Serena! Ash! Where are you two!"
I hear Misty say.

"Dammit. Why out of all times." Ash mumbles.

"Umm... L-let's just go back.
We're over here!"
I yell.

I can hear the rustles getting louder and louder.

Until a tomboy pops out with her date.

"There you are! What were you two doing here? More importantly, alone?" Gary smirks.

I feel my face getting hotter as I try to keep calm to myself.

"We were just star gazing thank you very much." Ash rolls his eyes.

"Whatever you say Ashy-boy. Wait, why did we call them again?" Gary asks confused.

"Are you stupid?! Oh no wait, you are. We came here to tell Ash that he was chosen for prom king! You chicken!" Misty yells.

Say what now? Prom king? Ash is...... PROM KING!?!?

"I'm a what now?"
Ash asks.

"You are prom king! Everyone is waiting for you! C'mon let's go!"
Misty says as she gestures to follow her.

We both get up and walk back to the school. When we got in the 'ball room' the spot light went to Ash.

"Here is this years prom king! Ash Ketchum!" Korrina says.

Everyone claps and cheers, including me, as Ash just stands there confused.

"Prom king, please get up on stage." Korrina said.

"Hey Serena, what's a prom king?"
Oh Ash.

"I'll explain later. Right now, do as she says and get up there!" I say as I elbow him.

He nods and calmly goes up on stage.

"I can't believe Ash is prom king!"
May says as she laughs.

"Is he really that popular?" Iris asks.

"Well, apparently he is. Especially around the girls. But he already has a girl AND NO ONE SHALL RUIN MY SHIP!!!!!!!!!" Dawn yells the last part.

"Uh..... Thanks Dawn.... I guess."
I sweat drop.

"And now it is time to announce prom queen!" Korrina says as everyone claps and screams.

Wait a second.......


"And this years prom queen is............."

CLIFFHANGER!!!! I'm very very very x58 sorry about the super x 50 short chapter. I have time to write and everything, I just wanted to make a final decision on whether I should make a second part of this book. I just can't decide. So basically, if I do make a sequel or not, it will effect who the queen will be. (Which I'm not going to say who....)
So uh..... Please comment!!!!
I'll probably write again this Saturday or Sunday!
Hope you enjoy your day!!!!!

(@_@) 璃子★

That's me whenever I talk to someone

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That's me whenever I talk to someone. (No not Bonnie, Serena)

That's me right there on that bench

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That's me right there on that bench.

I really miss Miette because she was the Yandere and I enjoy that so here is some Yandere Mikuchan!
(I'm not an otaku I swear.)


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Who doesn't love Ladynoir

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Who doesn't love Ladynoir.

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