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I'm seriously obsessed with this song! I have a problem...



Monday's are usually the worst days ever but not today.
I woke with a pretty good mood today. After all, prom is this Friday  and I don't know what happened to Gary and Paul after that.
May chased them some where, really REALLY far. To the point where they never really came back to my house. I'm excited.

"I'm going mom!" I shout.
"All right hon! Have a great Monday!" Mom yells. I will mother. I will.

I get to the bus stop and see my Gare-bear.
And boy, does he look tired.
And right next to him is a glaring May, a sweat dropping Clemont and a blushing Dawn.
What sup with everyone today?

"Good morning guys! You guys look uhh..... Interesting?"
"Ashy-boy! You don't even know how much I missed you!" Gary says tackling me to the ground.

"Hey, hands off my man." I hear a certain voice of someone.
"Good morning my love." I say smiling.
"Good morning." She says sweetly.
"What do too mean he's your man!" Gary complains. Serena giggles. "It was just a joke. And I know you need your man time from yesterday."
"I want to be with Serena so shoo!" I say as I get up peck her cheeks.
She finally got used to it and pecked me back.
Gary just pouts.

~time skip got off the bus~

When we got off the bus, we headed towards our usual place and see all of our friends.
"OMG SERENA YOU'LL NEVER BELIVE WHAT HAPPENED!" Iris says as she jumps up and down and squeals. Almost like a little girl on Christmas Day.

"What happened Iris?" She says, hands still locked on mine.

Iris comes over to us and whispers.

"Well after whatever happened yesterday, May texted me that Gary and Paul finally did it!"
What? They did? Was that the reason he was so tired?

"What? Really?" We say in unison.

"Yes, really."

Just than, the bell rang. And we all head to class.

~time skip after school because author wants to get to the juicy stuff~

After school, I ran to Gary. I really wanted to ask the details cause I never got to see him.

"Hey Gary wait up!" I say. And lucky me, Paul was right next to him.
"Yo Ashy-boy! What brings y///
Oh. Your probably here ab///"
"Tell me!!!" I say yelling at his face.

"Fine fine. Just shut up ok?
Well when May was chasing us, we humans get tired. Paul and I stated getting slower but May is a freaking monster so she caught up to us and told us to ask them right now, so we did. Long story short they said yes." He said while shivering just talking about that.

"Well, congratulations guys, can't wait for Friday."

~time skip to Friday, before prom~

Serena POV

I can't believe it. It's prom!!!!
And I'm happy for Misty and Dawn. May was very proud of her self.
I've been waiting for this all day!
After school we rush to Misty's house.

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