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Several weeks after the 'Calem confessing to Serena and she said yes' thing........

Gary POV

We haven't talked to Ash-boy and Serena in forever!
Ashy-boy was always taken by Yandere girl and Serena was to busy with shipcrusher. (XP)

(They're at Dawns house)

"Guys, we have to do something about this!" Dawn said. We all nod.
"I still can't believe what's going on right now, I mean didn't they like each other?" Drew said.

"He's right. Why would they just separate from each other like that?
They used to be like best friends?!"
Misty added.

"Well first of all, we need to know why Ashy-boy got together with Yandere girl in the first place."
I said.

"Ash and I went to the movies a week before that and we did that because he wanted to make Serena jealous?! I'm sure people's brain doesn't switch like that automatically. There has to be reason.........."
We all think for a while.

"Hey, you guys remember when Yandere girl confessed? She whispered something in Ash's ear.
Maybe she told him something like, 'If you don't go out with me blah blah blah' or like 'I'll kill all of your friends if you don't say yes'
I mean she is called Yandere girl for a reason right?" May said.

She was right. It made Ashy-boy fall on his knees, he never does that!

"Now that you say it your right! We have to ask him or even try talking to him somehow....." Barry said.

"Can't we like text him or something?" Paul asked.

"But he doesn't respond." I say.

"He can't respond because of that drama queen!" Misty corrected.

Hmmm...... I have an idea!

"Why don't we kidnap Ash-boy!"
I say proudly. Everyone looks at me with a 'what are you thinking' face.
"Not like real kidnapping but like before we go to lunch! Ashy-boy and I have the same class on fourth period so I can just drag him to the school garden and then ask him!"

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I mean we don't have any ideas but this one so.... What do you guys think?" Misty said.

We all nod. "Let's do this!!!!!!" Dawn yelled.

~the next day before lunch~

The bell just rang and we all do what we do any other day. Except me of course. I went over to Ashy-boy and covered his eyes.
"Hey. What the heck?!" "Calm down Ashy-boy, it's just me Gary. I just have a surprise for you so calm down." He tried to let go of me so I tried to push him as fast as possible.

The I let go of him. "What's the big deal?" He said. He looks at every one of us. He just stands there shocked but surprised to see all of us.
"Look, it's been a while since we talked but that's not why we brought you here." Dawn said.

"We wanted to know what's going on between You and Miette and especially Serena." Iris said.

He had a scary face. "Y-you guys have nothing to do with this!" He says.
"Dude, we're your friends. We just want to help." Drew added.

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