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Play the song at Serena's POV. You could play it from the start but this song is kinda short and it fits what I wrote on her POV perfectly so yah...


My head hurts. Did I hit my head or something? I'm probably asleep.
I open my eyes and I wanted to scratch my nose but I couldn't.
"What the...." I look behind and I see my hands tied up. Along with everyone else. "Gary? Clemont?Everyone! Wake up!" I scream.
"What's wrong As// WHAT WHY AM I TIED UP!" Dawn screams.
"Where are we?" Drew asks.

We were in a tiny room. It was dark but it wasn't dirty or dusty like in the movies.

"What happened? Weren't we at the park?" Clemont said.

"Misty! Why are you here?" May said. I turn around and see Misty tied up as well.

"We got  kidnapped! I tried to scream at you guys to run away but I was too late.
I was heading to the park when these two people just grabbed me and tied me up. I screamed for help but my mouth was covered. Then the next thing I knew you guys got tied up......"
Misty said in a quiet voice.

Why are we kidnapped? What's going on? More importantly, who kidnapped us?

"Well, well, well. Looks like the brats has awoken from their sleep." A voice said. There was a person. He/she had a hat on but that's all I could see because it was too dark. Why do I feel like I've heard this voice before.....

"What do you want from us?" Iris shouted. "Easy girl. We're not going to harm you. Yet. Until 'she' comes." Another voice said. This time, the voice was a bit higher.

"Who do you mean she? Who's she? We have nothing to do with your whatever your doing." Barry said.
"No. You brats are our bait. She'll come. Just watch and learn."

"Hey, Ashy-boy, do you think they mean Serena?" Gary whispers to me.

Serena POV

Dear Serena Yvonne

You found my letter! Whoops I meant to say 'our' letter.Great job!
Your probably wondering who we are and why we even put the letter in the first place. Well first of all, we're not going to tell you who we are but, we know you and you know us is all we're saying.

Second, your probably looking for your 'friends' but we're going to call them brats just for the sake.

They were in the way, so we decided to take them. There're fine. For now.

We can make a deal, we'll give you back the brats only if you can find us!
We'll be waiting for you!
Just follow the line!

Sincerely, M&C

What? They're gone? Ash? Dawn?

All gone......

I thought my life was already fixed.
It was perfect. I have my friends back. I had Ash back.
My vision started to get blurry. My eyes were watering. The next thing I knew I was crying on the ground.
I have to find them! And save them!
I'm the only one who can do this!

Sort chapter! So sorry. I am just really tired. From life :P
I'm fine people! Don't worry!
Thanks for reading this chapter! I'll try to update tomorrow!
Hope you enjoy your day.

(д;)=3=3=3 璃子★

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