Ash's words

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Serena POV

I run towards the house.

I was scared at first. I mean, I didn't even know if this was the correct house. What if M&C came up and stabbed me in the face!
I shook off those thoughts and knocked on the door since there wasn't a door bell for some reason.

But no one answered. I knocked again. A bit louder this time.

No one answered.

I could have just walked back home but there was a voice in my head saying never give up.

I grabbed the handle and surprisingly, it was opened. I didn't want to do this because I'm literally intruding into someone's house. But the voice in my head helped me.

It creaked a little when I opened the door.
In front of the door were stairs. Probably leading upstairs. There was a kitchen to the left and the main room/living room to the right. "Hello?" I said. But no answers.

But then, I heard some mumbling that I couldn't quite understand from the floor.
Is someone there? There's probably a basement here. I tiptoed around the house looking for the entrance to the basement.

I thought it was going to be clean and tidy like how the outside looks but man, it was so dusty! It looked like this place hasn't been used in years. Then how come the outside is really clean? I thought.

Then I found a door right next to what looks to be a study room? I don't know. It was just full of books. I opened it and saw stairs leading down. This is it Serena! You can do this. If no ones there, I promise myself to just get out of this old place.

I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. It made loud footsteps every time I would take a step. It was so scary! You can do this just a bit more........

I finally reached the floor.
"Serena?!" I heard a familiar voice.
I turn to see ASH?! Thank goodness! I found them! I ran towards him and hugged him.
He couldn't hug back because he was tied up but whatever.

"Thank goodness I found you guys!
I was so worried!" I said.

"Well, thank goodness you found us too! Now, untie us please?" Dawn whined. Oh, right. Oops.

After I untied them all we had to escape. "Do you think they heard us or something?" Drew whispered.

"I'm sure they're snoring like pigs."
Paul answered.

"C'mon let's go!" Ash said.

We all nodded and tiptoed up stairs to the first floor.

"That's the door c'mon!"

"I'd knew you come."
A voice said.

We all turn around to see that girl again.

"It's you! What do you want with us!" Shouted May.

"Oh, me. I just want some sweet revenge on Serena and get my price charming Ash. That's all I'm asking for." She giggled.

Revenge? On me? What did I do?
Who is she? She wants Ash?

"Well, whoever you are your a creep. Seriously, you freakin kidnapped us!" Drew said.

"It's not just me. Him too."
She pointed at us.

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