Sleepover Part 2

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Serena POV

We walk over to the front door and knock. The door opened to reveal my blue haired bestie.

"Hey guys! We were expecting you. We're all inside so come on in."
She said slightly blushing when she looked at Ash. I'm not even going to say it. Her house is a normal (?) house I guess. I like it.
We walk to see all of our friends. Gary and Misty arguing with each other, May and Drew fighting over a game console, Iris and Bonnie are playing with Clemonts inventions and Barry and Paul are chillin on the couch.(you can kind of guess the ships •~•)

"Hey guys!!" I say while I put my bag down. "Hey Serena! Come and help me!! Drew is trying to steal my controller!" May says still tugging on the thing. "Um, excuse me I was playing first!!" Drew says. "Well, ladies first!" I giggle as I watch them fight like a little kid. ( I didn't mean to do the Iris thing XP)

 ( I didn't mean to do the Iris thing XP)

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(I had to OK?!)


I set down my bag and I see Gary fighting(?) with Misty. "Hey, Ashy-boy! Little help here." I sweat drop at that. "Ok, what happened?" I ask Misty. "Well, I was just listening to music on my earphones when HE just started blabbing in front of my face with Barry. I told him to shut up but guess what? HE DIDN'T!!!"
I sigh. "Well, see you guys later!" I wave at Gary. "Wait please don't go!" I look over to see Iris playing with a girl.

Who is she? I go over to Clemont. "Hey Clemont, who is that girl?" "Oh, she's my little sister, Bonnie. She wanted to come so I asked Dawn and she let me." I look at her she had hair just like her brothers and had a yellow hair clip. "Hey Bonnie, come here. I want you to introduce your self to Ash." She comes running to his brother and stares at me.

"Hi my name is Bonnie! Your Ash right? I heard from my bro." "Nice to meet you to Bonnie!"

" "Nice to meet you to Bonnie!"

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(So cute ❤️)

She smiled at me and ran back to Iris. Wow she really loves her.
"All right guys, since everyone is here, let's play a game!" Dawn shouted which everyone heard. We all took a seat on the couch/floor and talked about what game we should play.

"Let's play twister!"
Iris suggested. "Yeah! I love that game!" Dawn said! "Since there are way too many people to play on one mat, I have 2 so I'll be spinning and you guys can play alright?"

I was really excited. So we split into two which were Barry, Drew, May, Bonnie, and Iris on one and Serena, Clemont, Gary, Misty and I on the other. "All right! I'm totally gonna win this!" Gary exclaimed. "Do you ever shut up?" Misty sighs. "Nope!" We all sweat drop.

So we started playing for a couple of minutes and my hand freakin hurts! On my group, Misty, Clemont were all ready out. "All right, left hand on green!" Dawn shouted, as we all struggle to put our hands.

Just then Serena slipped on the mat and I tried to catch her which made me fall down and when we fell, our faces were inches apart. I could feel her hair slightly touching my face and her warm breath on my nose. Cute.

(Kinda like this :P)

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(Kinda like this :P)

We kinda stare at each other for a second. Her cerulean eyes were glistening and I could see my reflection in her eyes. I felt my face get warm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" Serena pulled away. I kinda wanted to do that forever. "It's all right. Besides I was the one who tried to catch you and I fell so yah!" I said with a smile.

Serena POV

I can't believe that just happened. Did I seriously fall on top of him? My mind was going crazy. "Yes! That means I won!" Gary said jumping into the air. "Congratulations dude!" I hear Ash say. Just thinking about him makes me blush. I don't like him, do I?

We rested for a couple of minutes and we decided to have a girl talk and boy talk. The girls went to Dawns room while the boys stayed in the living room.

"All right girls! Truth or dare?" Bonnie squealed. We all laugh and begin. "All right Misty, truth or dare?" Bonnie asked. " I'm not a scaredy cat so truth." She says proudly. "All right. Who do you like?" Just then Misty's face ant red. "N-no one...." "Oh well how about Gary?" Bonnie said with a smirk on his face. Man, she's really scary. "F-fine! Maybe I like him... A little..." Misty said while covering her face with her hands.

"That's what I wanted to hear!"
We all kinda knew she had a crush on Gary. "All right, May truth or dare?" "Dare!" She says. Misty thought for a second. "Ok. I dare you to go downstairs and kiss Drew." "WHAT!" We all scream. Including May of course. "I can't do that?!?!" "We all know you guys like each other so JUST DO IT!" ( LOL) That's true. They've liked each other since middle school but neither of them had the guts to ask each other out. "F-fine I will."

We all crept downstairs and found the boys talking about something. May ran to Drew, literally, grabbed his face and kissed him. Everyone was stunned.

 The girls were screaming while the boys were just staring at him

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The girls were screaming while the boys were just staring at him. "M-may?!?!" Drew stuttered. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. It was kind of a dare. But I do love you... We can talk later but right now we have tons of people staring at us so , see you later, I guess" " All right." Drew said still surprised at May. She came back blushing crazy. "You girls happy now?" "YES!" We scream.

Did you like it? I love
May x Drew! I think they're perfect! But of course Amourshipping for life, duh. I know I ended at the weirdest part but I wanted to publish ASAP so yah. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day. Bye!


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