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Serena POV

*Ring-Ring* (Don't judge my sound effects :P)
Finally! School is over and it's the weekend! The reason why I'm so excited especially about Sunday is because us girls are going shopping! For prom ofcourse.

Besides that, I wonder why Ash was so uhhhh I don't know, off today I guess.

Ever since lunch, he's been super quiet and daydreaming.
He's probably just tired.
He was stuck in the hospital for a week after all.

I put all my textbooks into my locker and was heading to the bus stop. When I heard some footsteps behind me.

I turned around and saw Ash.
"Hey! Serena! Wait up!"
I giggle. I wave at him and wait for him.
He tangles his fingers into mine. "You wanna walk home together?"
I say as we take a turn and walk home.

"Hey, you wanna go to the park tomorrow? You know, just hang out?"
He asked.

"Ya, how about we meet at 1:00 near the lake?"

He nods  and we get home.

"Well, see you tomorrow princess."
He kisses my hand and walks away. I stand still for like a minute just staring at my hand.

I love him.

~time skip tomorrow~

.....beep beep......

Huh? Why is the alarm on?
Isn't it Saturday? I turn my phone and look at the time.


Why did I wake up at 12?! I need my beauty sle..... OH SHOOT!
I have to go to the park today!

I hate myself sometimes.
I jump out of bed and take the quickest shower, get my hair done, change and head downstairs.

I decided to take a granola bar and eat it on the way to the park.

"Bye mom! I'm going to the park with Ash!"

"Have fun on your date honey~"
She giggles. I ignore it though.
Ever since I told my mom that I was dating Ash, she's literally fangirling over it every time I mention his name.

To be honest I think she's a shipper like Dawn. Great. There's a shipper in my house. Yay......

I get to the park and see Ash sitting on the bench near the lake like I promised.

"Hey Ash! Sorry I'm late."
"It's ok! I just got here anyways. You wanna take a walk down the hiking trail?"

Then we go through the hiking trail. It was a beautiful sunny day.
There were a lot of animals. Birds, squirrels, and bunnies and more. It was like a Disney princess movie.

"Hey Serena, over here."
Ash says as he pulls me outside of the trail.

"What are you doing Ash? We're gonna get lost!"

"It's ok. I just wanted to show you something."

He drags me for a couple more minutes until there was a big tree.
It was really large and high. It was proudly standing there in the middle of the forest.

On the back of the tree was a beautiful view of the lake. It was shining probably because of the sun but it looked beautiful.

There was a little space in between the tree and a big bush, enough to fit maybe 2 or 3 people.

"Wow, Ash, this is beautiful!"
I say with sparkly eyes.

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