Step Four

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I'm sorry if I confused you guys but Pokemon do not exist in this world and Serena's hair is short.

Serena POV

We were a little late because Misty said that she was too embarrassed to go in front of the boys with her bikini. That was weird because she's always so confident in her self. (It was probably because of Gary. SHHH!)

Now we're in the warm water. It's a little cold because summer just ended but it was fine. "C'mon! Pass the ball May!" Iris yelled. "I can't even play real volleyball! Why are we playing the water!" May complained. May is a really sporty girl but that's not the case when it comes to volleyball.

"Look. This is how you do it." Drew swims over. And he shows May how to serve the ball. Awwww so cute ♡ "Thanks Drew!" She smiled. I can totally see he was blushing. "Y-your welcome. Now you guys can play!" He yelled at us.
We giggled. "You two are so cute! You know that?" I said. "Yeah yeah whatever. Now I've got better at this!" And we started playing. It was fun. Just a nice little break I guess.

I forgot that today Dawn was going to confess to Ash.


The girls were playing volleyball while we were just doing stuff. Wow. Serena was beautiful. I'm not saying she wasn't before. I'm just saying she looks even more...
I NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!Gary and I were racing how fast we can swim. Barry and Drew were shooting each other (and Paul) with water guns. Paul was getting mad at them and they were laughing. Clemont was testing out one of his water machine thingy.

"Hey, I saw you staring at the girls when they came. I told you you were going to do that!" Gary said.
"I wasn't staring at them! I was just..... astonished?" I say as Gary looks at me suspiciously.

"Do you like Serena?" "NO! Why did you ask?" I say. I feel my face getting hot. "Dude. Your blushing."
He says with a 'wow your dense' face. "I told you that I don't like her in that way. I don't even know what love is." I say. Gary sighs. "I'm the master! I'll teach you everything. Now let's see who can swim the fastest and get out of the water!"
"Oh it's on!" I say.

We were so tired after we swam. We probably swam for about 30 minutes. "Hey you guys hungry? We got snacks!" Dawn screamed.
"Give me fooooood!" Gary moaned. "I'm so soaked because of some 5 year olds with water guns." Paul complained. True. He wasn't even in the water and he was soaked from head to toe. Barry and Drew were laughing like crazy.

Dawn POV

We sat near the shore and had a little snack. The boys I mean Ash and Gary were eating like hogs.
He was still cute though. The girls were just being girls I guess. "OMG Your going to do step four today!" May said. BTW Serena and I already told the girls what 'Step four' was. "I'm so excited!!!"
Iris fangirls.

Oh yaaaa..... I was going to do that today. When? How? What do I do if he rejects me? All these questions were going through my head. I looked at Serena. She was munching on some chips and staring off into space. "Hello? Earth to Serena?" I say. Waving my hands in front of her. "Huh? Oh sorry Dawn. I wasn't listening. What did you say?" "Are you ok? You look like your getting sucked into a black hole." May said. "I'm fine. I guess I'm just tired." For some reason my mind told that wasn't the reason but I ignored it.

"Serena!!! When and how am I going to do this. Help me please!!"
Serena giggles. "Calm down Dawn. Your going to do fine. How about right before we leave? While we pack our things you and Ash can go have a little talk." She winks.
"O-ok.." "Look. It's going to be ok. If he rejects you it's not going to be the end of the world. All right?" Serena says. I nod and eat my sandwich.

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