The letter

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Third Person POV

It was another normal day in Sycammore high. Ash and the gang were at school. Talking and chatting. You know the usual.

But that day might be one of the most horrific days they have experienced.

"Hey, you guys want to come over?
I mean, today's a Friday! Come on!" Serena said. "YAS!! I want to go!"May said still chewing her food. "May, don't talk when you have food in your mouth." Drew said. (Their together now)
"Yah, it'll be fun! We haven't hung out in forever!" Iris said. We all nod in agreement. "Ok! It's settled.
You guys come over around four!" Serena said happily.

There was one person eavesdropping on their conversation. It was him.
Their going to be meeting at Serena's house. Interesting. This will be perfect. He thought to himself. I wonder what he will do..

Hope nothing bad happens! (Haha....)

School was over and everyone was heading to the bus stop. "I can't wait to go!" Ash said excited.
"I haven't hung out with you in a while Ashy-boy. Got any news?" Gary asks. "No....." "Oh, come on. You have to." Ash thought for a while. He didn't want to say anything about the Serena thing.
"Oh, ya! Serena came over for dinner a while ago and remember the girl from summer camp with the straw hat? It was Serena!" Ash said. "I knew it! It looked just like her! What a coincidence...." Gary giggled. "Shut up." Ash elbowed his friend.

"Hey you two!" Clemont shouted.
What! Clemont was running! That's a rare moment to see.
" to... told me....." Clemont was panting so much we really couldn't understand him.
"Alright dude, take a deep breath."
Gary told him. Clemont nodded and took a quick rest.
"Everyone wanted to tell you that before we go to Serena's house, we would meet at the park so that everyone can go to her house at the same time." He told us.

"Ashy-boy, let's walk home. Tell me more about you and Serena.."
"Ughhhhhhh! Gary I told you to shut up!!!"

Ash was walking over to the park. He was thinking about something. It's been a while since Serena and I both broke up with our dates. We haven't heard a single word from them. I guess they just gave up.
Thats a good thing to know.

"Hey! Over here!" Barry waved. Ash sees mostly everyone there. Except for Paul and Misty. I guess their not just here yet.
"We're waiting on two more people and then we could leave to her house!" Dawn said.
"Sorry guys. I'm late." Paul said running. Wait. Paul apologizes? This is so weird.
"All right, Misty where are you.."
Gary said. He was right. It was already 3:58. We were supposed to be at Serena's at 4:00.
"Weird. She's never late." Clemont said. "Ya! He's right. She's always the early bird!" May added.

Just then. We hear a scream.
"GUYS! RUN!!!!"
We all turn around.
Then we black out.

Serena's POV

Today is going to be so fun! I had everything set up. Games and snacks and movies. Everything was perfect.

It was 4:06. Weird. They were suppose to come at 4:00. Maybe they're just late. Calm down Serena.

4:30. Ok there is something wrong.
Maybe they just forgot what time they should come. I decided to call Dawn. I grabbed my phone. And called her.

No response.

I texted her. I mean, she was the fastest person to respond to a text.

No. Nothing.

I'm freaking out!!!!!! Are they ok?

They told me that they would meet at the park near my house so I decided to go there. I went to the park and there were some children playing on the swings. But there were no teenagers. She was confused and scared. She decided to sit down on one of the bench to calm her self down.

She felt something when she sat down.

She stood up and found a piece of paper.

Serena Yvonne

It said. What? For me? Are they pranking me? Whatever.

I unfold the paper.

Dear Serena Yvonne.


I know I said that I wouldn't update and I should be studying right now but I like writing them so here's another chapter!
Cliff hanger! So fun to make. But yet so evil. ;)

What happened to the gang? What did the letter say?
Who was the letter from?
Find out in the next chapter!
Hope you enjoy your day!

(~_~;) 璃子★

Gangster Serena

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Gangster Serena

That moment when you realize tomorrow is Friday

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That moment when you realize tomorrow is Friday.

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