Wake up

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What happened? Am I dead?
Oh, I'm probably asleep.

I wake up. Not knowing what the heck is going on.

I feel a sharp pain on my arm and flinch. Oh yeah, I got stabbed. I thought.

I think I'm at a hospital. I mean there's white every where. I look over to my right and see a sleeping beauty.

She looks so cute when she sleeps.
I giggle a bit and play around with her hair. She makes all the pain go away.

"Well, I see you've awaken Mr. Ketchum."
I turn to see a doctor.
'Dr.Birch' it said.

"You've been cut very deeply so it's going to take a while to heal. Try not to use your arms a lot. Especially because we just stitched it up. You're going to have to stay for a week or so just to check on that arm of yours then you can leave. Do you have any questions?"

He asked. I had so many questions but I just wanted to be alone so I shook my head.

Before he opened the door, he stopped and looked at me.
"You should thank Mrs.Yvonne there. You lost a lot of blood and we didn't have your type here.
But luckily, she had the same type as you. She literally saved your life."

With that, he left.

I look at Serena again. She looked so peaceful sleeping. I wanted to wake her up and talk to her, but this is something I never get to see.
"I love you." I whisper.

Gary zooms in to the room.

"Gary! Your too loud!" I shout.
"Whoops." He said.
"Are you ok? You looked like you lost a lot of blood."
"I'm fine Gary. Thanks for bringing me here."

"Mm mm. What's wrong..
ASH! You're awake!!!!" Serena said and jumped up at me.

My arm hurt really bad so I only hugged her with my left hand but it was fine. I felt alive again for once.

All of my friends come and greet me and ask if I'm ok.

I'm just glad no one else got hurt and we're all done with that M&C thing.

"Ash! I thought you were going to leave me....." Serena said.

"I'm gonna leave you guys alone."
Gary said as he winked at me and snickered. Oh, Gary.

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry this is my fault and I couldn't do anything and........." She started to cry.

I hugged once more bringing her close to my chest.

"I'm fine. And no, you did help me.
Heck, you saved my life! I can't thank you in any other way. And don't cry? Remember what I told you?"

"Th// that I shouldn't cry?"
She said.

"Yes. Or it'll ruin that beautiful face of yours." I smile and wipe her tears.

She giggled a bit. "That's what I like." I said.

Oh, Serena. I have never met a girl like you before. I love you and I always will.

"Ash. I wanted to tell you something."


Short chapter sorry! The only reason I decided to post today was because I found this really cute comic and I really wanted to show it to you guys!
It was in Japanese so I translated it. I tried ok!

Hope you enjoy your day!

(^^;) 璃子★

(Translation by me)

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(Translation by me)

We all know who....
We all know when...
And we CERTAINLY know why.....

Don't tell me I'm the only one that fangirled when I saw this.......

FANGIRLING LIKE CRAZY!!Don't tell me I'm the only one that fangirled when I saw this

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I'm giving Mallow and the gang a hint. I'm so nice.


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