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I mean you can put it on, but it'll just kinda ruin the chapter. Your choice :P


Serena POV

We couldn't believe our eyes.

"Isn't that Korrina? And Shauna? Right, that's her name?" Iris says still in shock.

"When did those two get all lovey dovey~" May sings.

"Isn't she that girl from Japanese
Daw//////" I was cut off by a Fangirl.

"OMG I SHIP ITTTTT!!!!!!" Dawn squeals.

"SHHHHHHH!!!!! Dawn shut up!" Misty says half whispering half yelling.

"Hehe..... Sorry guys." Dawn said.

I guess you can never stop a fangirl from fangirling.

Shauna had a pink Lacey dress with an opening in the front. It was adorable. Suited her very well actually. (Ughhhhh I tried.)


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Just then, we see Korrina run up to the stage and get the microphone

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Just then, we see Korrina run up to the stage and get the microphone.
"Excuse me everyone. We are going to start the dance! So get ready with your partners! Hit it DJ!"
She says as the music suddenly stopped and was replaced by a soft, relaxing music.

Well. Time to dance the night away.

"May I?" Ash says as he takes my hand and pecks it.

"Yes, you may." I giggle as he takes me over to the dance floor.

We start dancing. At first, we were kinda like a baby giraffe who was just starting to walk.
But, we got the hang of it. Kinda.

I looked around.

Misty and Gary were having a hard time dancing because Gary has no sense in the tempo. And misty was probably yelling in her head, but she kept it in. Good job, Misty.

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