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Serena POV

I can't sleep. I turn left and right on the bed but I still can't sleep.
I turn my phone on and look at the time. 2:06. Shoot. I have to go shopping with my girls. I have to sleep!!!

I look at my left ring finger. It has the promise ring that Ash gave me. I blush just thinking about what happened today. Wait yesterday?
I'm confused.

Did it actually happen?! Not only did he ask me out to prom but he gave me a beautiful ring. I have the best boyfriend in the world.

I close my eyes and try my best not to think about anything. But all I could see was Ash. Ughhh! I know you love him but you got to get your beauty sleep. This is going to be a long night.

~time skip morning~

I wake up from the bright sunlight.
I did eventually sleep. But it took way longer than I thought I would.
"What time is it..." I mutter to myself as I look on my phone.

"I have to get to the mall at 1:00!!!!
AHHHH!!!!!" I yell as I jump out of bed and get ready super quickly.
It took about 10 minutes to walk to the mall. I'm gonna be so late.
I texted my girls that I'll probably be late and headed out the door.

"Sorry guys! I'm here!" I say as I try to wave to them with my left over energy.

"Hey Serena! You look uhhhh....
Not so great?" Dawn said. "Thanks." I mutter to myself.

"Hey Serena, what's that?" Misty said as she pointed at my ring.
"OMG THATS A PROMISE RING!!!! KYAAAAA!" Iris said as she fangirled like crazy.
"Did Ash give you that?" Dawn asked with sparkly eyes.
"Uhhhh. Yes. He asked me out to prom." I say sweat dropping at everyone's reaction.
"Awwwww. That's adorable!! I bet you the reason why May is late is because she's getting asked out to prom." Misty winked.

"What are we waiting for, let's go!" Iris said as she dashed through the door.

We giggle at how childish Iris is and head to the boutique.

"I love this place!" Dawn says as she admires the place.
"Less talking more looking. Let's go!" Misty says as she goes in the boutique.

The boutique was like a inside of a rainbow. It was sparkly and shiny and there were so many dresses in so many colors. Pink, orange, blue you name it! We all looked around before picking our dresses. There were so many it was hard to choose. May came in along and we started looking. And Misty was right, she got asked out to prom. Good job Drew.
I finally narrowed it down to 3 dresses. We finally got our dresses and headed to the dressing room. Oh boy.

~two hours later in a French accent~

Finally! We all chose the perfect dresses. We were pretty tired but satisfied with our dresses.

Misty (you know me, I'm horrible at describing stuff with words)

Misty (you know me, I'm horrible at describing stuff with words)

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