His/Her rival

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Serena POV

I am still thinking about yesterday.
I need to ask Dawn about yesterday. I also need to tell her the truth...
"You ok Serena?" I hear a voice.
I turn around to see Calem.
"I'm fine. By the way yesterday was really fun! I would like to do that again someday." Without distractions I mutter. "Y-ya so uhh
see you later bye!" He says and quickly runs off. "Good morning Serena!" The girls were running to me. "Why weren't you on the bus today?" Iris asked. "It's really boring without you!" Dawn said.
"Sorry guys, I just felt like walking today." "If you ever need someone to talk to you have us alright?" May said. I smile and nod.


Ok. This is it. I'm going to ask Dawn. "Hey Dawn? How was yesterday?" I asked a bit quietly.
"Oh it was really fun. He got me a little piplup plush! You know I love piplup!" She said with a smile.
"Hey Dawn, you know how he said that he liked someone. Who do you think it is?"
Dawn smirked. "Why do you want to know?" "B-because I was j-just c-curious that's all." I say trying to hide my face. "Oooo someone has a crushy on Ashy~~~" She sang.
"Please don't get mad at me!"
I say regretting everything I had just done.
She stares at me with a blank face.
"Why would I get mad at you?
I'm over him now and we just went as friends yesterday. I mean if you hadn't gone with shipcr/// I mean Calem, we would've gone with you!" She said with a smile.
I felt like a thousand weights were lifted up from my shoulders.
"Well you know it is Valentine's Day next week..." She smirks.
I blush. "You love to make sweets...." She evilly said.
"S-so what !!!" I said nervously. Obviously knowing what she wanted me to do.
"Here's a dare. I dare you to ask him next week."



Yesterday was a lot of fun! Even though I had to take Dawn home because she fell asleep. I wonder what Serena thinks. I mean, she was probably jealous but I was jealous of shipcrusher. I mean he got to go to the movies with her!
I sigh just thinking about it.
"Hey Ashy-boy, I heard you went on a date with Dawn? I thought you rejected her. I mean if you-know-who finds out he will murder you."
I get goose bumps all over my body. Gary told me the other day that Paul liked her.
"It wasn't a date. It was just Dawns shipping thing. You know how she gets with ships." Gary shudders.
"You know, all girls are scary sometimes." I nod. "C'mon let's get to class." We head off to class.

I see Dawn and walk up to her.
"Hey Dawn, did Serena say anything?" I whisper.
"No, but she didn't ride the bus today, so it probably worked." She winked. Yes she likes me. I thought. I decided not to talk to her until she talked to me. Even though it was so hard.

You all know who this is but I'm not going to say it POV

Just you wait Serena, senpai is mine.
I mean, we were meant to be with each other. Get out of my way or you won't even want to know...
⚠️Warning ⚠️

🚨Yandere Alert🚨
(Lol you see what I did there)

You all know who this is too but I won't say it because author hates him POV

Oh just you wait Ash Ketchum. You ruined my time with her!
Your going to regret this.

She is mine!


Sorry for a short chapter. I promise to update tomorrow!
Again, I'm really busy so this is all I can do for now!
And also don't worry, I won't make this book bloody....
Maybe.... ψ(`∇')ψ
Hope you enjoy your day!

(^o^)/ 璃子★

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