Sleepover Part 1?!

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Serena POV

After school was over, I decided to walk back home instead of taking the bus. I felt like I just needed to be alone today. What was wrong with me? After Japanese, Dawn invited all of us to her sleepover which was going to be on Friday, including Ash. I just felt like I lost a piece of my heart. I don't know how to get it back. I also had a tingly feeling in my brain. Just when I was getting into more deep thoughts, someone tapped my shoulder, I kind of jumped because I wasn't expecting that and look to see a raven haired boy.


When I tapped on Serena, she jumped a bit and turned around.
"Sorry Serena, I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's all right I was just not expecting that I guess. Well how was your first day of school?"
"It was awesome! I got to meet so many people and now I'm invited to a sleepover!"

I see a smile on her face. Man I love that smile. What did I just say? Why am I talking to myself so much. Weirdo.

"Well, it'll be fun I promise! Say, where do you live?"
"I live in Vaniville town."
"Me too! Let's go home together! You can come over if you would like to. I'm kinda bored today."
"Sure I would love too."

~Time skip to Friday because author is too freakin lazy and wants to get to the good parts~

Serena POV

Yes! Today is finally the sleepover. I'm SOOO excited. School just ended and I'm running home. With Ash of course. "Hey, do you know where Dawns house is?" I ask while running. "Actually I don't..." "Well the sleepover starts at seven so come to my house at 6:30 and we can go together."
"Cool. Thanks. See you later!" He smiles and went inside his house. I loved his sm....... AM I TALKING TO MY SELF AGAIN stupid. I got ready then I heard the doorbell.


The door opened and I saw Serena. Man you can never st...... Shut up!
"Hey! Come on in. I still have a few things to pack." I've been here a couple of times. I came here almost everyday and just hung out with her. I love hanging out with her. It's so much fun!!!!
"All right! Let's go!!"
She says and does a little jump. Cute. I really need to go see a doctor.
We walk for about five minuets and here we are. Dawns house.

Sorry for the short chapter. I just don't have time(>~<) but I'll try to make a longer one tomorrow. Thanks for reading and hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!!


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