I think

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After the 'incident' Dawn and I were walking back to the gang. She had a sad but yet a relieved look on her face.

"Ashy-boy! I thought you went to change! Were you just lying because you didn't want to clean?" Gary said. "No! I was just having a little talk with Dawn." Paul glared at me. What did I do?!

"Yeah! He's right. I'm the one who wanted to talk with him so I'm sorry Garry." The girls except for Serena were giggling and were waiting for the 'We're a thing now' phrase. But that never happened.

"Fine. But Ashy-boy, you and I need to talk." About what! Why is everyone mad at me today. "Ok..."
"All right everyone! Were done packing so we all go home!" Iris said. "Ughhhh we have school tomorrow." Barry complained.
"Nooo not Japanese! Don't we have a pop quiz for kanji tomorrow?!" Drew said. "I need to study! bye guys!" Drew, Clemont, Paul and Barry left running.

"I'm tired. Let's go home Gary." Were my ears stupid or did I just hear that. Misty told GARY to go home with HIM! Man. Today's a weird day. "Ok. See you guys tomorrow!" Gary said.
Iris and May left for home. Which left Dawn, Serena and I.

It was the most awkward silence I've ever experienced.
"L-let's go home shall we!" Serena broke the silence. We all nodded and walked back home. Finally, home sweet home. I was about to go in when someone tapped my shoulder. I look to see a honey blonde hair girl.

"Ash, what happened between Dawn and you today. Is it ok if you tell me?" I just stare at her. I just wanted to confess that I like her but that's for another time. "Yeah sure but maybe tomorrow. I'm really tired so is it ok if I go home now?"

"Yeah sure! Sorry I kinda barged in the way. See you tomorrow!" With that she ran off to the door with her hair glistening in the sunset.

Serena POV

"Serena! Wake up!" I get up and look at the clock. 7:30 I'm not that late. I get up and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy and my face was a little wet.
Was I crying? Why? I don't remember my dream!?

I ignored that and wore my normal clothes and went downstairs m. Did the normal stuff and head off to the bus stop. When I got there I see that Dawn wasn't her usual self. "Serena, I'll tell you but promise you won't tell anyone."
"Ok I promise."

~Time skip to school cause I'm lazy~

Dawn and I were by my locker.
"Ok spill." I said. Dawn took a deep breath. "H-he rejected me....." She frowned. "Aww it's alright come here hon." She hugged me and I felt my cardigan get wet but I didn't really care.

"Is that all he told you?" I asked while my bestie was sobbing. "N-no he said the reasons why he rejected me was because he li//" Just then the bell rang. "Oh shoot! Sorry Dawn I have to get to class! I'll see you at lunch!" Then I ran off to the classroom.

Time went by quickly as I was thinking about the thing she was saying. Ash rejected Dawn because?! There's a reason? I felt a bit uncomfortable. Does he like someone? All these questions were circling in my head.

"Are you ok Serena? You look like your in deep thoughts." Ash said.
"O-oh I'm fine! I'm just uhh thinking about stuff...." "Ok, remember you always talk to me ok?" "Thanks Ash! Well let's get to lunch!"

And we head off to lunch. I love talking with Ash. He's so funny and a little goofy. I love his goofy little smiles. It just makes my day.
I can't believe I didn't know that I liked him. Now I know what these warm and fuzzy feelings are! Man I talk to myself a lot these days. :/

We got our lunch and sat in our usual spots. "Ok, Dawn surprise us!" May said. "Yeah, tell us. Please? With a cherry on top!" Iris said. "I will. So he rejected me.....
But wait! That's not all he told me.
He said that he had feeling for
s-someone else........." The girls were just staring at Dawn. They were sorry for Dawn, but surprised that Ash liked someone. Wait, Ash likes someone?! Who?! What if he... Right now I have to support my friend! Focus!

"Wow. My mind is blown." Misty said with a straight face.
"He likes someone? Who? I want to know all these juicy information!" Iris said as she rubbed her hands together. "Iris chill." I said. "But seriously, who do you guys think he likes!" Dawn asked. We all shrug.


"What did you guys do? Spill Ashy-boy." Gary said. "What did I do with who?" "With Dawn you pea brain!" Paul said in an annoying way.

"Oh ya.... She asked me out."
"WHAT!" Barry and Drew yelled.
"S-she asked you out? What did you say?" Paul stammered.
"I said I'm sorry but I have feelings for someone else. But we can still be friends." I said while stuffing my mouth with pizza.
"Wait. You like someone? Who!" Clemont said.

Oh no. Did I just say that out loud?
UGHH I hate myself.
"T-that's none of your business." I say. My face gets warm.
"Oh, come on. It's not bad that you like someone." Gary said.
"F-fine. I-I like S-Serena.......... I think" "You like Se//" "SHUT UP DREW!"

"I knew that was coming. I mean it was pretty obvious." Paul says. It was? Oh. Now that I think about it. It was pretty obvious.
"Congratulations Ashy-boy! Last time we talked about this, I couldn't tell you any tips so I'll teach ya all right?" I just sweat drop.

Dawn POV

I knew it. He likes Serena. I kinda heard the boys say it. I don't think anyone heard it except for me.
Should I be mad? After all Serena helped me get through this. But I won't. I'm over Ash now thanks to the girls. It's all right people I'm not going to be the bad guy. STOP! Your going through the fourth wall! Whoops. Sorry author.

Thank you for reading this chapter. It was kind of not good I guess.... I was kinda rushing when I wrote this!
Again, thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoy your day!

(-; )璃子★

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