Found the one

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Serena POV

"And this years prom queen is......................

Serena Yvonne!"

I stop breathing for a second.

What. Me?! I didn't even vote this year.

Dawn POV

YES!!! It worked! It actually worked!!!!!!

"Wow Dawn, I have to say, this actually worked. I'm kinda proud of you I guess........" Paul said, murmuring the last part.

"Aww thanks~"

~Flash back~

I have to find some way of getting Amour to be the king and queen this year. Hmm......... I have an idea. (Smirk)

All right, no teachers and most importantly no Ash and Serena....

This is my only chance.

I take a deep breath and yell in the cafeteria.

"ALL RIGHT PEOPLE LISTEN UP! You all know that Amour is canon so what I want all of you to do is vote for those two for the prom king and queen!!!!"

"Wait, what the heck is a////"


~Flash back ends~

I'm so proud of myself!!!!! I see Serena dumbfounded while Korrina keeps telling her to come up on stage.

"You go girl!" I shout as I fangirl even more.

Back to Serena POV

Are you kidding me!!!!! I mean I'm really happy because Ash is king and we get to be together but why me? Serena just deal with it.

I walk up to the stage while everyone cheers. It felt like I was walking in slow motion.

Then I saw him on stage. Smiling at me.

"Congratulation Serena! I'm really glad you were my queen."

My whole body is going crazy. I'm going to faint if he says something any cuter.

"All right people! Here are this years Prom King and Queen!! Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne!!!!!"

Then, Shauna came out of the stage with two beautiful crowns.
They were ligit jewels and they were sparkling as she walked over to us.

Ash and I just stare at it and were amazed by the quality.

This school is awesome!!!!!!

She then carefully places the crowns on our heads and smiles.

"Congratulation you two.
Now let's end this night with one final dance!"

She yells as the music goes on.

I look at Ash and take his hand.
He grips firmly and takes my hip.
We dance. I really didn't care of what was going on at this point. I just want to be with him forever.
That's not a bad thing to think right? I love him. It's normal to think that way.

I'm glad I met him. I'm glad he was here for me. And I'm happy that I got to be with him. We've had some hard times, but we made it through. Together. And now we're here, dancing and smiling at each other. Probably thinking the same thing.

He cups my cheeks and look at me. I smile back and lean in. My hands grasping his shoulder. My feet tiptoeing as much as possible. There were probably some screaming here and there but all I heard was this voice in my head.

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