Flash back

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I am obsessed with nightcore(sad ones)... Enjoy!

Serena POV

"I love you Serena."

I couldn't get those words out of my head. Ash and I were super quiet the whole dinner while our moms were blabbing mom stuff I guess. :/ He likes me?! It's my fault. I should've believed in him.
He's dating someone for me.
He doesn't even want to!
What did I do after that? Huh? Serena answer me.
I broke his heart.
Great job. *face palm*
I still have feelings for him. I think.
But I don't think he deserves to be with me. UGGGGH I just want to live a normal life.

"Hey kids. You two seem to be quiet. Are you alright?" My mom asks. "We're fine mom. We're just uhh.... Hungry! Yah that's it!"
"Alright whatever you say. Serena, do you remember when you were little, you went to Kanto?"

I went to Kanto?!

"Ummm... No. Why?"

"Well, you see you went to Professor Oaks summer camp there. And guess what? Ash was there too! Do you remember?"

Now Ash was staring at my mom with a 'what?' Face. Our mothers giggle.

"Oh, come on Ash. You went with Gary remember?" Mrs. Ketchum says.

"Oh ya.... I remember. I only remember Gary and this one other girl.... All I remember was a straw hat and blonde hair... Don't really remember the rest." He says and starts eating his food.

Straw hat? Blonde hair? I remember something. I just can't put my finger on it. Suddenly I have a little flash back.

I remember now! I was lost in a forest and I heard a sound coming from the bushes

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I remember now! I was lost in a forest and I heard a sound coming from the bushes. I was terrified and tried to run but all I did was trip and hurt my knee.

There was a boy. Coming from the bushes.
"Bunny! Were did you// huh? Who are you? Are you alright?"

"Serena sweetie? You alright? Your starting to remember!" My mom says.

"The boy..... He was Ash?" I look at him and he does the same.

"Your the girl I found?" He said.

We just stare at each other. Cerulean meets brown.

~time skip dinner is over~

"Thank you so much for having us!" Mrs. Ketchum said.
"It's no problem. We hope you can come around again. The kids had some fun too." She giggles.

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