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Serena POV

"Can you show me to room 739"
"Oh, you have math too. Well, I have the same class so let's go!"
I say. He nods and follows me.

"Hey, my name is Serena. What's yours?" "My name is Ash. I came here from Kanto." Kanto?!?! Wow. That place is really far from here. I've only been there once when I was little for a summer camp.(wink) That reminds me. I've heard that name. 'Ash' Hmmm. I probably watch to much anime.

"Wow your from Kanto?! That must have been a really long journey." "Yah well kind of." Then we reach the classroom. " Here it is, let's go." I say. "Thanks Serena!"
He smiles at me. Then my face got really hot then my body. His smile was cu...... WAIT WHAT I DIDN'T SAY THAT!!!!! "Are you alright? Your face is red." Ash says worried. "No I'm fine I'm just really..... Hot. Yeah, that's it!" I say while trying to hide the fact that he's the reason why. "Well let's take a seat!" I say as I turn and look in the classroom.

I saw Iris and May sitting next to each other. "Hey Serena, who's that?" May asks. "His name is Ash. He's the new kid." I say as I gesture him to introduce himself. "Hi, my name is Ash and I'm from Kanto. Nice to meet you guys!" "Your the new kid!?!? OMG I have so many things to ask you. What was original schools name? Do you like it here? What's your favorite....." "Iris, you can stop now. We'll talk to him a bit later. Right now they need take a seat alright?" May says while staring at Ash who is kinda freaking out. Thank you May!!! You can never stop Iris from talking. "Okay fine" she says pouting. "C'mon Ash, let's take a seat."


As Serena and I take a seat, I'm still a little scared about the girl who asked me a lot of questions. "So sorry Ash. Iris can be a bit crazy sometimes but she is very friendly if you get to know her." Serena says while taking her notebooks. She has beautiful cerulean eyes, I could just dive into them. WAIT. WHAT. Just then the bell rang.

"Hello class my name is Professor Oak and I will be your math teacher for the rest of the year. Today I want you to get to know your classmates better so I would like you to talk to the person  next to you and get to now about them. They will be their buddy for the rest of the year."  When he said that I got a bit nervous. I don't why, but I got this warm feeling in my heart. Eh. I turned around to see Serena smiling at me. "Well let's get it started!"

~Time Skip Math is over~(yay)

The bell rang. I was kinda sad because we had a lot of fun talking to each other. I looked at my schedule well I have geography next. "Well I'll see you later Ash!" Serena said while running the opposite direction. "See ya!" I wave. Serena told me all the direction for my classes at math so I didn't have to worry about that. I miss her already. I want to see those eyes, her honey blonde hai....... WAIT. There's something wrong with me. I got very warm and red. I ran to the classroom because I didn't want anyone seeing me like this.

When I got the classroom I looked around and found a seat next to a blue haired girl. I took a seat and got my textbooks out. Then she turned around and was surprised. "Hi, are you the new kid? My name is Dawn, nice to meet you!" She says. "My name is Ash, nice to meet you to!" When I reached out my hand to shake her hand, she got really red and started shaking (her hand and her body)

"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine!" She then turns to the front and starts smiling. Weird.

Dawn POV

Ash is so hot!!! I think I like him. I've always thought other boys were cute (which they still are) but, he's different. He feels different. He has deep hazel eyes and the cutest smile I've ever seen. He's so nice too. TOTALLY MY TYPE!!!!! I've got to tell Serena about this.

~Time skip Lunch~

Serena POV

Finally. It's Lunch time! Having gym before lunch is really stupid. I mean, you can't exercise with an empty stomach?!?!

I had gym with Ash and Barry so we all walked to the cafeteria the guys were talking really well and I was glad seeing Ash already making friends. When we got to the cafeteria, we saw our group sitting at a table. "Over here Serena!" May says while shoving spaghetti on her mouth. We all go there and Ash introduces himself, and go sits with the boys while I sat next to Dawn.

"Hey Dawn, I'm so bummed we only have Japanese together, time goes so slow without you ;(" "Me too Serena! Anyways I wanted to tell you something!" Dawn says. She was kinda nervous when she said that. That as rare as a shiny Pokemon, she's never nervous. "What's up ?"
"Well I think I like Ash."

Thank you guys for reading the this chapter! Sorry if it's a little messed up. My chapters are going to be a bit short. And also I'm still in school so I won't update everyday. But I will try to update at least once a week! Hope you have a nice day!!!!!


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