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Now before anyone freaks out this is an AMOURSHIPPING fanfic. Enjoy!

Serena POV

"I think I like Ash." When she said that I felt like I was mad at her. I don't even know why. "Really? We just met him today you know. Plus you like 90% of the boys in the school." I say while looking at my blue haired friend. " I know, but this time it's different. He's not like the others. You know?." I knew what she was trying to say. Why? IDK

"So would you help me so that I can get closer with Ash?" She's my BFF so of course I would help her. But when I tried to say it, the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. " of c..... I wi......" "What was that?" "OfcourseIwillDawn!" I said. Finally. "Really?!?! Thank you so much! That's why your my best friend!!!!" She said while hugging me with sparkly eyes. "Hehe.... Your welcome."


I sat down next to Gary at lunch. We all talked about different things like video games, life and other stuff. "Wait, so your grandpa is Professor Oak?!?!" I say while chewing on a piece of sandwich. "Yup he sure is!!" Gary says proudly. "But because they are family, he sometimes talks about Gary's childhood and it's the most hilarious story ever!!!" Says Drew laughing like crazy. "Oh yeah, remember the one where Gary peed on a bowling ball when he was 5? That one was amazing!" Said Barry laughing along with Drew. "SHUT UP!!! Don't even tell Ash those things!" Gary hissed.

"Well I'm looking forward to math then!" I say while snickering. Gary just glares at all of us. "Now now it's all right no fights here or anything right?" Said Clemont worried. We all just sit in this awkward moment.

~Time skip after lunch~


I had art next. Which I was totally fine with. Plus I had it with Gary. Who I seemed to get really along with. Even though he can be annoying sometimes. "So Ashy-Boy, how do you like it here so far?" "Ashy-Boy?" I ask with a weird face. " Yup! From now on I Gary shall call you Ashy-Boy!" He said like he just won something. 

"Seriously?!?! That's one of the dumbest names ever." "I don't care!!" He said screaming when suddenly someone pinched him from behind. I look to see Misty. I think that was her name. Along with May. "OWW! What was that for!!!!!!" " Well your super loud voice is killing ears across the hallway!!!" She said as she started to drag him to the classroom. "So sorry Ash. It's alright though, they're always like this." I sweat drop and so does the other students."Its fine. Plus it's kinda funny." I say while May and I laugh. And we head off to class.

Art was pretty nice. All we had to do was draw something that is really important to your life or some really deep memories. I thought about it for a moment. Then I looked at Gary who was drawing a game console. "Hey didn't your grandfather have a summer camp back in Kanto for kids?" "Yeah he did. Why?" "Because I went there once when I was little." " Wait you did? I went there every year so I should have seen you!" He says while Misty gives Gary a 'you shout again you dead' look. " Hmm lets see.... Were you the one with the bunny?"

"Yeah! I was chasing it because I want it to play with him!" "Wow so we've met before? That's amazing! Friendship forever!" I sweat drop at the last part. "I remember a girl I saw while chasing that bunny. She was injured so I helped her. That's for some reason an important memory to me." Now that I think about it, why is it so important. Was it because I saved a girl? I just drew what I had in my memory(down here)

 Was it because I saved a girl? I just drew what I had in my memory(down here)

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(So cute >~<)

"Hey doesn't that girl look familiar?" Gary says while looking at my drawing. "Now that you say it, yah your right. Hmmm. Honey blonde hair.....  SERENA!" Gary yells and some students were looking at him like he was some kind of pop star. "Oh yah, now I remember! I can't believe we've met each other again." I say. There it is again that fuzzy feeling. "Do you think she remembers?" "We'll ask her later." "GARY YOU ARE SO DEAD AFTER THIS CLASS" Misty says. Good luck Gary.

Serena POV

Finally it is the last class of the day. It was such a long day. I already told Dawn the plan.
1. Sit next to him
2. Get to know him/ talk to him
3.Invite I'm to our sleepover
4. Ask the big question
Simple. Plus Dawn Ash and I have same class next so I get see her do it too. I wonder why I feel like I don't want to watch Dawn.

Class starts and we immediately introduce our selves to the sitting right next to us. I turn to look at Calem. I knew him last year. I didn't really know about him so I guess this fine."Hi! My name is Serena! Your Calem right? We had science together last year." He just stares at me. "Ummm are you alright?" "Oh, um my name is Calem. Yah, I remember you. Your the one who fainted while digesting a frog right?"

Oh yah. I fainted during class because it soooooo disgusting."Haha. Yup that's me!" We talk for a bit then I turn to Dawn and Ash. They were talking and laughing. It stung my heart. I felt like I was doing something wrong. My brain tells me that I shouldn't be doing this. Wonder why.

Wow. I can't believe I'm on the 3rd chapter! Thank you for reading this chapter! It really means a lot to me! Why does Serena feel that way? Why is Calem so awkward around Serena? We'll have to see on the next chapter!!! Bye and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!!!!


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