Dawn's mission

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Serena POV

Finally! School is over. I just want to go home and read Gruvia fanfics. (Fairy tail!)
I walked over to my locker to put my books in when someone tapped me from behind.
(Hmmmm I wonder who it is. It's totally not Calem sarcasm)

It was Calem. ♪tun tun tu----n♪
"Hi! What's up Calem?"
"H-hey. I was wondering well I got some free tickets to go the movies.
Would y-you like to come with me?"

First of all, why me? Out of all the girls from this school he chooses me. That's kinda weird. But I have nothing else to do besides reading fanfics so why not.
"Sure! What movie is it." I smile.
"It's called Silent Music.(I tried to come up with a dramatic name. I don't even know if this exists :P)
"Oh ya! I wanted to watch that one! " It's about a girl who is very good at playing the harp. But one day she just stopped. So another guy is trying to figure out why she stopped. :P

"Ok then how about after school?
I'll meet you at the theater at 7:00." "Ok sounds nice see you later!" I wave at him. I can't wait to go! I walk over to Dawn.
"Serena hey! I was looking for you!
Ash and I are going to go see Silent Music! You told me that you wanted to go see it so wanna come?" She says jumping up and down. I stand there frozen.
I get to spend time with Ash! No no wait. I have to go with Calem.
But I want to see Ash. I'm such a weirdo.

Dawn POV

You see, my plan is Ash goes with Serena. I just makeup some excuse of why I can't come then the two go together! I love shipping people.
I totes ship them!!
I got to make up a shipping name.
Let's see...... Serena loves fashion.
So maybe France? Frenchshipping? Paris! Parishipping?
Love=Amour in French so
Amourshipping it is!!!!!!
Sounds so romantic. <3

Serena just stands there staring at me. "What's wrong Serena?" I see her finally coming back to earth.
"I'm sorry I had already made plans with Calem to watch that movie today..." What! With Calem?
He's ruining my ship! NO ONE RUINS MY SHIP!

I try to enclose the anger inside of me.
"O-oh. It's ok we can just go together! Sorry I asked you all of the sudden. Let's go to the bus stop! We don't want to miss the bus do we?" I say and I take her hand and run. What am I going to do? My plan is ruined because of that stupid camel guy. I guess I can make her jealous....... I'm over Ash now but I can plan something out....

Alrighty Dawn your mission is to make amour come true!!!!!!


I see Dawn dragging Serena besides her. "Hey guys! The bus will come at any minute!" They both come and Dawn let's go of Serena's hand. Just then another guy comes. "Hey Serena can we talk about tonight?" "Sure!" She says with that adorable smile. Who is he? And what did he say about tonight? I'm getting a tingly feeling.

"Ash you me talk now." Dawn says.
Okay..... "Now first of all, I know you like Serena." Wait what. How does she know?! Girls are scary sometimes.... "Wait what!"
"Don't play stupid Ash it was obvious. Now anyways, I wanted to help you so I invited her to come to the movies tonight. But she said no because she already had a plan to go with that shipcrusher over there. (See what I did there) So what I want you to do is come to the theaters tonight around 7:00.
That's the time this movie is on.
So my plan is to make her jealous. Alright? So just come to my house later make sure you have some nice clothes on and we'll talk more." The bus came so we got on and I tried to process everything in my mind.

1. Dawn knows my crush
2. Serena is going on a 'date' with shipcrusher
3. Why did she name him shipcrusher?
4. I have to go to her house with some nice clothes.

Ok. I think I got this.

"We'll see you later Dawn." I say.
I see Serena and she come up at me.
"Ash I'm so sorry I couldn't come to the movies with you and Dawn."
"It's ok. People have plans. Now let's go home. I'm hungry!"
She giggles. Cute. "Your always hungry Ash" I know.

I don't even know what 'nice clothes' are. So I just wore my usual clothes. I text Dawn to send me her address and I went there.
I knocked on the door And the door opened. I see Dawn with her usual clothes on. "Ash! I told you to.......never mind come in."
"Ok here's the plan..."

Cliffhanger! I'm so evil
Thank You for reading this chapter!
It was kinda fun adding Calem to the game :P
I'm so excited to post the next chapter!!!!!!
Hope you guys enjoy your day


Are you mad at Calem?

Me: yes

Well your in luck because now I will make you even more angrier!

Me: wait what! No I don//

Tada!!!!!! Enjoy >~<

Tada!!!!!! Enjoy >~<

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