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Austin groaned in annoyance as as loud ringing woke him from his sleep. He swore if this was another damn prank call, he was going to start a fight. He had important business to attend to in the morning and he had to he up early to get ready.

Justin, the brunettes boyfriend, mumbled incoherent words and rolled away from Austin as the man sat up an reached for his phone, squinting at the bright light as it shone directly in his face before he answered it.

"Hello?" Austin snapped, rather rudely, but it was two o'clock in the morning.

"Yes, hi, is this Austin Carlile?" A lady's voice asked from the other line. The brunette rolled his eyes, refraining from saying more rude and vulgar words.

"Yes, why are you calling me?" Austin questioned.

"I'm calling because you're listed as an emergency contact for Alan Ashby," she said. Austin felt even more anger boil up inside of him at the mention of his ex boyfriend. He didn't want anything to do with him after their fight that made them break up, but as the lady continued on, the anger quickly went away.

"He was in a car crash and was rushed to the hospital, we ask if you come up here quickly."

Austin didn't know what to say or think, he just knew that his blood ran cold and he was muttering an, "okay", before he dashed out of bed, threw on a pair of clothes and ran from the house and out to his car, quickly, but carefully, rushing to the hospital.


cool cover by:spacedrugs

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