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Just as promised Austin went over to Alan's for the weekend, hardly ever leaving the bed or the couch, both of them cuddled beneath blankets and fluffy pillows. It was the best weekend Austin had had in some time, considering he didn't get many weekends off, and if he did, Justin was still working and he had nothing better to do.

"I'm so hungry but I don't want to get up," Alan muttered, burying his face in Austin's chest and letting out a little groan. Austin laughed and pressed a kiss to the top of the gingers head.

"You wanna order some pizza?" Austin asked, pulling the ginger closer than before and pressing another kiss to the top of his head. He loved his warmth and small frame and the way Alan smelled and felt against his skin. It was like a drug, some weird and odd drug that Austin wanted more of as he spent the days with Alan.

"Yes, but my phone's in the kitchen and you're super warm," Alan whined, managing to push himself closer. Austin snorted, shaking his head.

"Go order some pizza and I'll find us some more movies to watch," the brunette said, gently nudging Alan, who groaned softly but stood up anyways and went off into the kitchen. Austin laughed again, shaking his head once more as he searched for some good movies.

By the time he had settled on an old horror film, his phone was buzzing and his screen was lighting up with Justin's name and picture. This seriously could not be happening.

"Hello?" Austin asked as he pushed all the covers off himself and stood from the couch, heading down the hallway to the bathroom.

"Hey, I was just calling to ask if you were at your apartment?" Justin asked, a smile obvious in his voice, and if it hadn't been said before, Austin felt guilt moving around in the pit of his stomach.

"Um, no, I'm actually not, work called and asked me to come in and help with somethings," Austin lied, biting down on his lip and just praying and hoping Justin believed him.

"Oh, well, that's funny cause I called up there to see if you were in and Suzanne picked up the phone and said that you were off all weekend," and of course, Austin hadn't prayed and hoped enough. Justin knew better and wasn't stupid. "Seriously, Austin, why the hell are you lying to me?"

In the moment, Austin cursed Suzanne and her big fucking mouth and was almost tempted to just fire her, but that would be ridiculous and out of hand.

"It's just that... I'm at my friends house, and I know how you've been getting recently about me coming over here, and, I don't know, I'm sorry," Austin said, lying once again.

"You know I've only been getting upset because you're spending so much time over there and blowing me off," Justin said, getting rather annoyed.

"I'm not trying to blow you off, seriously, I'm not, but I told you, he got into an accident and I've just been trying to get him back on his feet and help him out," Austin told him.

"Okay, but Austin, I'm your boyfriend. I get it, you're a sweet person, you care about your friends and people you barely know, but it's not fair that this- this guy seems to get more of your attention than I do!" Justin snapped, and of course Austin felt bad, but he also felt a little mad that Justin was talking about Alan like that and he had to bite his tongue to keep from saying something he'd regret.

"I... I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that I'm spending too much time caring for him, but you'd do the exact same, you know that," Austin said, growing irritated just like Justin. This was ridiculous.

There was a long silence, neither of them speaking. The only way Austin knew Justin was still there was by the loud huff he made.

"Just... just tell me there isn't anyone else, that you aren't fooling around behind my back. I-I don't think I can handle another guy doing that to me, and so if you're- you're fooling around and seeing someone else, please, Austin, I'm begging you, tell me," Justin said, his voice breaking, and Austin could feel his breath catching in his throat and his heart beginning to beat quicker in his chest.

He wanted to just come on out with the truth, because after all, this seemed like the best time to do so, but he didn't want to tell Justin, because if he told Justin that he was in fact seeing someone else, it would be like finally admitting that Austin had weaved himself back into the old days where he fooled around with other people and used them.

"...There's no one else," Austin somehow choked out, his voice oddly calm and collected, but his heart was hammering and his heart was hurting and it felt like the world was spinning around and around.

"Promise?" Justin questioned quietly and softly, sounding like a small child.

"I-I promise," Austin choked out the words out.

"I'll see you when you get back then," Justin had said, but before Austin could say anything, he hung up the phone and leaned against the wall, staring down at the floor before somehow managing to look himself in the mirror, almost disgusted at the person staring back.

What was he doing? Why was he doing this? Why didn't he just tell Justin the truth?

"Austin? You okay?" There was a soft knock on the door and Austin flinched at the soft tone of voice; Alan.

"I'm- I'm fine, I'll be out in a second," Austin said, hearing Alan mutter an "okay" before the brunette heard his footsteps walking away.

With one last glance at himself, Austin pocketed his phone and stepped out of the bathroom, his heart still hammering in his chest and guilt continuing to eat away at his insides as he made his way back into the living room and to the couch where Alan was sat.

"The pizza arrived while you were in the bathroom, I made you a plate," Alan said, pointing to the plate that was sat on the coffee table, and all Austin could do was force a smile and swallow down the lump in his throat as he joined Alan on the couch, resuming their movies and eating the pizza and cuddling once again.

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