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"Jesus! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Michael shouted, looking at the brunette like he was a complete idiot, and Austin didn't blame him, because he was an idiot. "You're nothing but a two timer! You don't deserve neither of them!"

"I know, I know! You don't think I haven't realized that already?!" Austin snapped, sitting back against the couch and rolling his eyes. They were at Michael's apartment and the brunette had just explained to him what they were doing and why he needed Michael so desperately.

"Why don't you just tell this Justin guy and get it over with?" Michael asked.

"It's not that easy! I have feelings for them both! I don't want to break up with either of them, because then I'll feel horrible and I'll just continue to live with guilt because of this entire situation and I just... I don't know what to do!" Austin groaned, running fingers through his hair angrily.

"How is it not that easy? You obviously like Alan way more than you do Justin. Just meet up with the guy and tell him it's over," Michael said as if it were so obvious, and it was. It was literally that easy, but it didn't feel like it.

"Look, are you going to help me with this stupid thing or not?" Austin snapped, growing extremely irritated. He didn't need someone telling him something he had known for some time now.

Michael sighed, rolling his eyes and reluctantly nodding. He'd regret doing this, he knew that much, but it was worth it if it meant he'd get his best friend back.

"Good, because Justin is getting off work in less than an hour and he's wanting to meet you today," Austin said, Michael's eyes widened and he stated at the brunette incredulously.

"What the hell?! You give me no time to prepare to lie my ass so I can cover your lousy ass!" Michael snapped. Austin rolled his eyes, holding back the nagging feeling to punch him. That wouldn't end well.

"It shouldn't be that hard! It's not like I'm asking you to do be something extreme," Austin told him, rolling his eyes. He didn't understand how Alan was friends with this guy, he seemed like a jerk at times.

"Whatever, go get your other boyfriend so we can just get this over with," Michael muttered bitterly as he stood up from the couch and headed into his room. This was so stupid.


Austin was fidgeting nervously in his seat as he waited for Justin to walk out of the building. He should be coming out at any minute now and Austin wasn't ready. He was just hoping and praying his ridiculous plan went well and that Michael and Justin didn't somehow miraculously know each other, because if they did, Austin wouldn't know what to do.

After a few minutes, Justin finally walked out of the building and headed towards his boyfriends car. After their talk a few nights ago, things had began to become a little less awkward, but Justin was still wary and a little suspicious, but he couldn't help it. This was how he last relationships went. He was trying to learn how to trust Austin, to realize that the brunette wasn't like his ex boyfriends. Austin treated him like he was the best thing ever, far unlike the other guys, and that made Justin relax a little. He was still wary, though.

"Hey babe," Justin said, getting into the car and leaning over to press a kiss to the brunettes cheek.

"Hey, how was work?" Austin asked, forcing a smile. He felt so sick to his stomach and the lump in his throat was growing uncomfortable and he felt like he was so close to just spilling out the truth about everything he had ever done up until now.

"Pretty uneventful. Suzanne is going crazy with paperwork and is driving everyone insane," Justin said, rolling his eyes.

"Sounds like her," Austin muttered. He wasn't too fond of Suzanne, not after the first night he and Alan got into an augment about how the ginger didn't like her.

"So, are we going to your friend's house?" Justin asked, reaching over and grabbing his boyfriends hand, a gesture that would have normally made Austin's heart well and his stomach flip, but now it just made his stomach churn with uneasiness and the lump grow.

"Yeah, if you're still really wanting to meet him," Austin said, though deep, deep down he just wished Justin would say that no, he didn't want to meet this so-called friend, and that no, he was perfectly okay with the so-called friend and Austin hanging out, but no such words came from Justin's mouth, only a smile and nod.

Soon they arrived at Michael's apartment and Austin and Justin got out, heading up the stairs to the second floor. Austin's palms were sweating and his legs felt like jello and he felt like he could have just collapsed right there. Maybe if he did, he wouldn't have to follow through with this.

"Hey," Michael answered the door after Austin had knocked, though he hadn't realized he had. He was too consumed in his thoughts, thinking of all the what if's.

"Oh, hey, I brought my boyfriend, Justin, over if that's alright," Austin said. He was trying to act cool and collected, but he couldn't hear himself speak over the rapid beating of his heart in his chest.

"Oh, that's fine, nice to meet you," Michael said, smiling politely, to which Justin did too. This guy didn't seem too bad, he seemed nice. "So are you just going to stand in the hallway, or are you going to come in?"

Austin wanted to run away, that's what he wanted to do, but instead he found himself leading Justin into his so-called friend's apartment and over to the couch to catch up and introduce the two of them and show Justin that this wasn't anything he was thinking, that he wasn't in fact cheating- though he really was, technically- and that all of this was just Austin being a good friend and caring for Michael in his time of need. That was all.

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