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A week. An entire week of Justin being nothing but distant, wandering off and lying. Austin didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to think or to say, because what was he able to do? He didn't want to assume things or throw accusations around. He didn't want to make it seem like he didn't trust Justin, because he did, but he also couldn't help but feel like there was something else going on that Justin wasn't bringing up and keeping it in hiding.

Maybe Austin was just overreacting and thinking things that weren't true. Maybe nothing was really going on, Justin had said that his mother was really sick and needed to be cared for because his father wasn't able to do it all the time. Maybe that's where Justin was going, but Austin still didn't believe it.

What if Justin really was cheating? The brunette felt anger boil up inside of him at the thought, but he quickly pushed it away and thought of how hypocritical that was, because here he was, sat in his office, avoiding paperwork by texting Alan. It was wrong of him to get angry and pissed all because of the thought of Justin cheating, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

Alan: I can't wait for tonight :)

Austin had promised them that they were going to go out for dinner considering how many times Alan had asked, and every time he did, Austin came up with some kind of excuse as to why they couldn't. Eventually Austin ran out of excuses and could no longer say no to the most adorable face the ginger would pull when he begged if they could go out for the night.

Austin: I know baby me either :)

The brunette was taking them out to a nice restaurant a few towns over, not only because it was nice, but also because there was hardly anyone that they knew at all and it was a very low risk that they would get caught.

Alan: I don't know what I'm gonna wear though :/

Austin: you look good in basically everything ;)

Alan: shut up. Aren't you supposed to be working??

Austin: I've got plenty of time for you :*

Austin knew the ginger was blushing. He felt silly but also all mushy inside. Alan just had that affect him on him, that was one thing for sure.

Eventually Austin got back to work, doing the dreaded paperwork. He hated this part of his job more than anything and had half the mind to chunk it out the window, or to hand it off to Suzanne to finish, but at the moment, the brunette didn't trust that woman with anything and he didn't blame himself one bit.


The work day drew to an end and Austin finished putting things away and into their rightful place before shutting the lights off in his office and stepping out, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"Have a nice evening," it was Suzanne and she was still in her office space, doing last minute things. Austin had to bite back a sudden urge to snap at her as he forced a smile.

"You too," he muttered and headed out the office building and down to his car. Justin had already left, which of course wasn't so surprising since on Fridays he was allowed to leave early, so that meant that Austin didn't have to take him home, which also meant he was able to get home a few more minutes earlier than usual and was able to get dressed and ready for his and Alan's dinner.

Just as expected, Austin arrived home a few minutes early. He kicked off his shoes, peeled his suit jacket off and untucked his shirt. He kind of really wanted to stay home and relax, but he knew how excited Alan was tonight and Austin didn't have it inside him to call and cancel, because he knew he couldn't bear to hear the sadness and disappointment in Alan's voice and on his face. It would absolutely break Austin, so he forced himself to get into the shower, to scrub away the stress and tiredness from the workday. Honestly, the more he thought about it, he was rather excited for the evening and what it had stored.

Soon enough Austin was out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist and was now looking through his closet for something to wear. He didn't want to feel overdressed and he certainly didn't want to feel underdressed, because if he did, Alan would more than likely feel like he was wearing too much and would feel uncomfortable for the rest of the evening. Austin didn't want that, not in the slightest.

His decision was made as he grabbed a black button up shirt and jeans. He only wore it for certain occasions because it was such a pain to get clean, but tonight was an occasional- a special one at that, so he guessed it would be worth it.

Austin bit down on his bottom lip as he stood in front of the mirror in his bedroom, fixing the collar of his shirt, making sure it was nice and not rumpled. His hair was a different story, it was curly and a tangled mess and was deciding to not cooperate as Austin ran a brush through it.

By the time he was finished getting dressed, it was time to leave, and Austin couldn't deny the butterflies and nervousness in his stomach. He was afraid that something would go wrong or that, somehow, someway, someone that the brunette knew would be around and they would be caught, but Austin was mainly nervous about the night not becoming a huge wreck and it being ruined.

With a soft sigh and a small pep talk to himself that everything would be fine, Austin got into his car and drove to Alan's.


The ginger was quite literally digging through his closet, all of his clothes scattered about on the bed and floor. He still had nothing to wear. He tried matching different pairs of clothes and nothing seemed to go right. He wanted to look nice and somewhat appropriate for whenever the hell they were going, but Austin had decided that it would be a surprise- Alan didn't like it. He needed to know where they were going to he could figure out what to wear.

Suddenly the front door opened and Austin's voice called out, making Alan's stomach drop to his stomach. "Baby! Are you ready to go?"

Alan knew he should have had all this ready hours ago, but he couldn't help that he had fallen asleep on the couch for far longer than he attended. He was just so tired.

"Baby?" Austin called out again, and this time he was in the hallway, wandering down it into Alan's room. He knocked lightly before slowly pushing the door opened.

"I'm guessing you're not ready," Austin said, grinning.

"I don't know what to wear," Alan mumbled with a huff as he plopped down on his bed. He found a nice pair of jeans, but not a shirt.

Austin hummed softly, looking at the pile of clothes on the floor. He bent down and rummaged through it before pulling out a dark blue sweater with a heart poorly stitched into the breast pocket.

"But that's yours," Alan said. He had stolen it from the brunette was going to give it back eventually but always forget.

"So? You look really cute in it and I like when you wear my clothes," Austin said, shrugging as he held the sweater out. Alan couldn't help but smile as he sighed and took it from the brunettes hand.

He slipped the sweater on, the hem coming down past mid thigh and the sleeves just barely past his fingertips. It definitely swallowed Alan up, but as Austin said, he looked really good in it. The brunette loved it.

"Are you ready to go now?" Austin asked, stepping around the pile of clothes to where Alan was to grab his hips and press a kiss to his forehead.

Alan gave a little nod, his cheeks burning as he pulled away to slip on a pair of shoes. He and Austin left after that, heading out of the complex to the brunettes car. Tonight, Alan thought, was going to be wonderful.

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