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[Present day]

Alan sighed, looking down at his phone. There was a text message from his best friend, Michael, inviting him to the bar for some drinks to celebrate for Michael's promotion. He was debating going, not sure if he wanted to drink or not. For a while, Alan had done nothing but drink. He drank every morning, afternoon and night, trying to drown the sorrows he felt after he and...Austin broke up, but after a month, he decided to sober up, to stop drinking so much before he hurt himself even more, and so far it had been working. He only drank on certain occasions and certain occasions only.

The ginger sighed, deciding that he'd go, but to only have one beer and to laugh at his friends when they had one too many. That was always the best part. He remembered one time whenever Michael and a few other friends went out for drinks and Phil, one of their closest friends, tried to hit on every girl and ended up puking on one girls shoes. It was gross, but funny because Phil didn't realize he had done it.

Things had drastically changed in Alan's life after the break up. He hadn't been in a relationship after it and he didn't trust anyone enough to be in another either. He was over Austin completely, but no one ever caught his eye or stole his heart like the brunette had, and Alan didn't think anyone would for a little while and he was perfectly okay with that.

Alan got back to work, stacking things on the shelves. He didn't particularly like working at a retail store since there was so many rude people who came in and wanted to yell at everyone for something they couldn't control, but it wasn't too bad, plus it was holding Alan over until he could find something else that was better.

Soon the work hour ended and Alan headed home, deciding to take a nap then shower before he met with his friends at the bar. They were all late partiers and decided to meet up at the bar at ten, which seemed crazy late to the ginger since he had to be up again in the morning, but having a drink and seeing his friends after a busy week was well worth it.

Alan pushed open the door to his apartment, being met with his cat, Menchi. It was a strange name, but a drunk Michael named her and ever since then, Alan just named her that. She was a grey and white little thing, who loved affection more than anything. She kept Alan company and made him happy when he was sad. He found her wandering around outside one afternoon around the apartment when she was a kitten, but his landlord doesn't allow pets, but what his landlord doesn't know won't hurt him.

The ginger smiled and rubbed on the cat before heading off towards his bedroom, kicking off his shoes and peeling off his work uniform, tossing it somewhere to the floor. Alan plopped down to his bed, looking through his phone for a little bit before he fell asleep.


After a few hours of a nap, Alan woke up, Menchi curled up against his side and fast asleep. He sat up and looked at his phone, seeing that it was only a few minutes past nine, and he had a few text messages and notifications, though he didn't pay too much attention to those.

Sighing, Alan got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, deciding that it was time for a shower and to get dressed now before he just fell asleep again and ditched his friends completely, which wouldn't make them too happy since he's cancelled plans with them far too many times now as it was.

Alan quickly washed his hair and body and tried to get himself more awake before he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist before heading back into his room. He pulled out a gray fitting t-shirt and black skinny jeans along with boxers, deciding that the outfit looked acceptable for the night. It's not like anyone was really going to see it since the bar would be dimly lit, and he wasn't trying to impress anyone anyways.

After pulling his clothes on, Alan flopped back down on the bed, looking through his phone once again. Michael had texted him, threatened to come to his house if he cancelled, which was funny because Michael wouldn't hurt a fly, so his threats were more than empty.

Once the ginger decided that he had sat around long enough, he pulled on a pair of shoes and slid on a jacket before grabbing his keys, phone and wallet, pressed a little kiss to Menchi's and headed out the door.

He exited from the apartment complex and got into his car, texting Michael that he was on his way and that he'd be at the bar shortly before heading off, only, Alan didn't make it there as planned.

He stopped at a red light and glanced down at his phone, seeing a text message from Michael and Phil, probably to tell him that they made it there already. A car honked behind the ginger, causing him to jump and look up, seeing that the light had changed, and as soon as his foot touched the gas to cross over, a car slammed into the side of his, making the ginger hit his head and black out unconscious.


thank you so much for over 100 reads :)
things are starting to spice up

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