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[Before accident]

Alan sighed, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the clock placed above the window. It'd been past an hour, far past an hour, it now being eight in the evening and his boyfriend, Austin, was supposed to be home at five. Normally, this didn't bother the ginger. He knew it was normal for his boyfriend to get held up at work and forced to work later than normal, but tonight, Alan wasn't accepting the same excuse of "being caught up at work" simply because Austin knew that tonight was their date night and he had promised that he'd be home on time, he had even texted the ginger during his lunch break saying that he'd be home and that he didn't have any paperwork to look over.

If tonight wasn't their night that they spent together, Alan wouldn't be angry.

But here he was, all cute and dolled up in a cashmere sweater, blank jeans and his favorite pair of boots along with his hair nice and straight and the necklace Austin had gotten him for his birthday. He was almost tempted to just change out of it all and make his boyfriend sleep on the couch, but he put too much time and effort into looking hot, and he had the audacity to think that maybe Austin was just caught up in traffic and that maybe he left a little later than usual from the office, but after three hours, Alan gave up on those stupid thoughts and now just sat, his leg crossed over the other, his arms folded across his chest and an angry look on his face as he stared at the clock above the window.

This wasn't acceptable. It couldn't be.

Thursday night was always their date night simply because that was the only day that both the ginger and brunette got off work early out of the entire week, and since they couldn't find enough time out of the rest of the days to do something special, they chose Thursday.

Austin had already pushed their last two dates back because he couldn't get away from work early enough, and at first, Alan was okay with that. He understood that the brunette worked in a business that was filled with jerks and idiots who didn't care that the brunette had a boyfriend and that they were working him so much or that he was desperate to see his boyfriend after long hours. They just didn't care, and half of them were lonely jerks anyway.

The ginger heard a car door slam shut and soon after the sound of keys jingling before the front door was pushed open, an apologetic looking brunette stepping into the house.

"Baby, I know you're upset, but just let me explain," Austin said, but the ginger wasn't having it.

"No, you're not gonna explain anything. Three hours I've been waiting, three! You were supposed to be home at five, you promised you'd be home at five, but no, you weren't. You've been pushing this date back for nearly two weeks now, Austin!"

"I know. I know, and I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but this was important. Suzanne-"

Alan felt anger boil up inside of him at the mention of that... whore. The ginger wasn't one to really judge people or say rude things about them, but he didn't like her. He caught her trying to get into Austin's pants one afternoon when he stopped by the office to see if the brunette wanted to go out for lunch, and he'd nearly ripped the woman's head off and almost threw her through the wall.

"I don't give a fuck about Suzanne! She's nothing but a filthy whore," Alan spat. "If she needed something so badly she could have just gone off and tried to get someone else!"

"Well I'm technically her boss, so no, she couldn't have," Austin said, making his boyfriend glare at him. "But that's beside the point. I'm sorry that I was late, okay? I promise it won't happen again."

Alan huffed and crossed his arms, still glaring at the man that was his boyfriend, who was still stood beside the door. Austin gave a small smile, setting his things down and walking over and grabbing his boyfriends hips.

"Baby, I really am sorry, okay? I tried to leave, I really did, but Su-" Alan glared at him, looking as if he was ready to rip the brunettes head off if he said that name again. "I mean... the worst person ever along with another coworker needed help finding some files and it took a really long time, but I couldn't leave because they needed it all at a deadline."

"So I basically got all dressed up for nothing?" Alan questioned, feeling disappointment fill up inside of him.

"No, we can still go out, but the reservation probably isn't any good," Austin. The ginger frowned, pulling away from the brunette.

"Just... just forget it," Alan said, turning and walking down the hallway to their bedroom.

"Baby, come on," the brunette said.

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight, by the way," Alan told him, and with that, he shut and locked the door, peeling off all his clothes and getting into bed, even if it was a little early. He didn't want to be around the brunette, and for the first time in a while, Alan cried himself to sleep.


The first few chapters are going to be like a backstory I guess you can call it and then it'll drift into a present day.

Also the positive feedback on this is absolutely awesome (:

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