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It'd been two days since the accident, and in those two days, Austin never once left Alan's side until visiting hours were over. The ginger was still in the hospital, just so the doctors could finish up the tests and make sure he was one hundred percent before he was discharged, but today they were supposed to be releasing him, though Alan had no clue what time.

Currently Austin and Alan were sat on the bed, the brunette having brought his laptop so they could watch movies and Tv shows on there rather than the boring local channels that Alan was beginning to hate watching the shows since it was the only thing that kept him entertained when Austin wasn't there.

Alan was curled around the brunette, his head laying on his chest and an arm tossed over his stomach. He was about half asleep as he kept his eyes glued to the laptop screen. He hated being here in the hospital, and even more, he hated not being able to remember anything. It was like someone had completely wiped his memory, only leaving his birthday, his name, parents name, and Austin to remember. He knew he was in a car accident, that's what the doctors and Austin kept telling him, but everything before that was just... gone.

Suddenly Austin's phone rang, causing them both to jump and the ginger to whine. He was so close to sleeping. Austin laughed and pressed a kiss to the gingers head before pulling his phone from his pocket, his heart thudding in guilt as he saw that it was Justin.

"I'm gonna take this out in the hall," Austin said, sliding from the bed, leaving Alan to frown and nod as he watched the brunette walk from the room.

"Hello?" Austin answered, leaning against the wall.

"Hey babe. I heard that you called in sick, are you okay?" Justin questioned, sounding like the good, caring boyfriend that he was.

"Oh, yeah, I just um... my friend got hurt and is in the hospital, so I decided to come see him rather than go to work," it was a total lie. Alan was hurt.

"You poor thing, I'm sorry to hear. Is your friend okay? Do you need me to come up there?" Justin asked.

"No, it's fine...he's fine, but I have to go. I'll talk to you later?" Austin said, glancing through the little window and seeing the ginger still sat on the bed, laptop situated in front of him.

"Yeah, sure. Call me if you need anything, okay babe?"

"Yeah, okay."

With that, Austin hung up and pocketed his phone, heading back into the room where Alan was, smiling and giggling at the Tv show playing on the screen.

The doctor finished explaining everything, telling Austin that Alan's memory will come back on it's own, but it didn't hurt to try and gently tell him some stories about their lives before the accident, though he shouldn't try and force things.

Soon the ginger and brunette were walking out of the hospital, Alan smiling widely as he saw the blue sky and sun for the first time other than through the gloomy hospital window. It felt nice having the sun on his skin after several days.

"Do you think we can get something to eat, like real food?" Alan questioned as he and Austin got into the car.

The brunette chucked and nodded. "Sure, what do you want?"

"Something that actually has taste. Hospital food sucks," the ginger whined. Austin chuckled again and drove them to a fast food restaurant, the place he knew the ginger enjoyed the most.

"So, tell me," Alan said after they sat down with their food. "Are we like... living together or... I don't know."

"You live in an apartment, it's not too far from here actually," Austin told him. He vaguely remembered Michael telling him that one day when they ran into each other, which was a good thing because he couldn't bring the ginger back to his place, Justin would more than likely be there and he'd have to explain things and it would be a big mess.

Alan nodded and dug into his food, groaning softly as he ate his burger and fries. It was so delicious. He didn't want to eat hospital food ever again, it was so bland and gross.

After they finished eating, Austin took the ginger to his apartment, grinning widely as he heard the ginger squeal as he saw a gray cat run up to them.

"I didn't know I had a cat!" Alan practically yelled as he scooped the cat up into his arms, cooing as she began to purr. "Her name's Menchi." Alan said, looking at the cute little things tag that was on her collar.

Austin stood by the door, still smiling wide. Alan was absolutely adorable. He wondered why he was so stupid and let him go.

"Well, I have to get going, Al," the brunette said, not really being able to take his eyes off the ginger and his cuteness.

Menchi jumped from Alan's arms as he spun around and looked at Austin with such innocent eyes it nearly hurt to look at.

"Can you stay, please?" Alan questioned, biting down on his bottom lip. He really didn't want to be alone, especially being somewhere basically new to him. He also didn't want to be away from the brunette since he'd been around him non-stop for the last few days.

"Well, I mean, I'd have to leave early in the morning to get to work and I..." Austin trailed off, seeing the still innocent and absolutely adorable on Alan's face. He couldn't reject that look.

"Fine, I guess I can stay," Austin faked sighed, but Alan didn't seem to notice as he smiled and threw his arms around the brunette for a hug.

Austin was screwed. He was catching feelings again.


sorry for not updating the past few days but I'm been sick and not feeling well at all and now my Internet stopped working so yeah

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