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It'd been several weeks after the break up and Alan had no idea what to do with himself and neither did Austin. They were both angry and upset at each other, especially Alan. He was more angrier than ever, and he had every right to be. Maybe this was for the better, even though it felt like it wasn't.

Alan was currently staying at a friend's house just until he got enough money to find himself something else to live in. The first few days he stayed cooped up inside the guest room, crying into his pillow and until he decided to just go out and clear his head, which somewhat worked until he saw the brunette across the street, walking into a coffee shop, and he hurried back to his friends house and went back to the guest room, sulking once more.

Things were terrible. Austin could barely focus on his work and somehow word got around that the brunette was single and every man and woman, especially Suzanne, kept trying to flirt with him, offering to buy him drinks after work. It was insane and Austin was almost tempted to just fire them all, but he didn't, though it was really close.

Austin didn't understand how he could be so dependent on one person. He missed Alan, he really, really did, but he couldn't bare to think of the ginger because every time he did, their argument was brought to mind and he was pissed off rather than sad. He hated the fact that Alan didn't trust him. Sure, he said that he did, but Austin knew that deep down, the ginger really didn't.

The brunette slept around a lot, broke many hearts, and used so many people during the last year's of his high school year and the first three years of college. It wasn't good, it wasn't healthy, and Austin regretted all of it, and Alan knew of it all because the ginger was going to be one of those people that Austin used and slept with, but then the night after they had sex, something changed inside the brunette and he wanted more of Alan; he wanted to make the ginger boy his, and he did, and now he was just gone. Their relationship no longer existent.

It was saddening how something so stupid easily broke them apart. They both wanted to take it back, but it wouldn't change anything. Austin would continue to make excuses and work late, and Alan would still be sitting down on the couch, waiting for Austin to get home.

Maybe being apart was for the best, and maybe it was meant to be this way.

It didn't feel like that.

Austin wanted Alan back, he wanted to apologize, but he was still angry, and so was Alan. They were being ridiculous, but neither wanted to do anything to make things right.

Austin sighed, running fingers through his hair as he stared at the computer screen in front of him. He was working late, really just to avoid going to an empty house. It was lonely there and not as warm and not having that home-y fill it used to have.

There was a knock on the door, pulling the brunette from his looming thoughts and he called for them to come in as he sat back in his chair. He looked up from his computer screen, seeing that it was one of his co-workers, Justin, standing there a little awkwardly.

"Yes?" Austin questioned expectantly after a few minutes of Justin standing there, not saying a word.

"Oh! I um, I was just wondering if you wanted to um, get a drink after work? I-I just thought thought that maybe it'll help give you um, a distraction from work, and I-I totally understand if it sounds completely unprofessional, but I just... n-never mind," Justin blurted, leaving Austin a little wide eyed.

"I... uh, sure, why not," Austin said, Justin smiled widely.

"Okay, cool, I'll see you when I get off!" Justin said, seeming way too excited.

It was nothing more than a drink. Austin wasn't ready to move on, he'd just gotten out of a relationship and all he wanted was a distraction for a few hours, so giving in to one wasn't a bad thing, surely.

When Justin's off time came, he and Austin walked to the brunettes car and headed off to the bar, downing some drinks and just winding down from a hard day at work, and maybe getting to know each other more than they expected.

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