twenty-nine [FINAL]

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here it is. the final/epilogue :)


A year. An entire year since the accident that made Alan lose his memories and a year ever since Alan stepped back into the picture after their breakup, and Austin couldn't have been anymore happier. It was like his life flipped around so much, and now it felt like things were settling and calming down completely, which was a good thing, because Austin needed it.

Everything was still crazy, though it was a good crazy. Alan had gotten a huge majority of his memories back, but some of it was still hazy. He remembered a lot about his and Austin's relationship, and the things the things that had happened afterwards. He even remembered all before their relationship, but there were bits and pieces of his childhood he couldn't seem to place correctly. It was still a working process, though, and Austin was there with him every step of the way.

After several months, Alan moved back in with the brunette and things were slowly going back to how they were way before, except the fighting. Their relationship had been very calm. Austin was maintaining his work schedule, making sure he got off at the exact time he was supposed to and he tried not to work late so often because he knew how Alan felt about that. He was really trying to make things work, because he really didn't want things to turn out they did before.

Alan was also cleared to go to work by the doctor, which was an exciting thing for the ginger because he hated being stuck inside the house all day, everyday. He wanted to be able to do something that didn't involve sitting around all the time, waiting rather impatiently for his boyfriend to come home. It sucked, to say the least, so when his final check up to see how he was doing came and the doctor gave him the okay to get a job, Alan was excited and practically jumping around. He ended finding himself a job at the animal shelter, though Menchi didn't like it when the ginger came home smelling like other animals. He got to groom and care for the animals and happily watch as a little child came in looking for a pet and picked one out. He really enjoyed it and it made him happy.

It was now the brunettes lunch break, or really to him it was the end of the day. He was taking the rest of the afternoon off to go home and set up the little dinner he had planned for the evening. It was to celebrate their upcoming anniversary and Austin had many things planned- and one in particular he was very nervous about. He just hoped he wasn't dumb and ruined the dinner by burning it or making it terrible. It wasn't that hard, Austin just wasn't the best.

Austin reached their home and headed inside, putting down the bags of groceries he bought that contained the ingredients for the evening on the kitchen counter. He was nervous, honestly. He wanted this to be perfect, to be special, and the night couldn't be special if the dinner was horrible; or that's what the brunette believed. He knew Alan didn't care for many things, he only cared if they were able to spend time together and be with each other, but still, Austin wanted things to go smoothly.

The brunette planned to make pasta- it was easy and couldn't be that hard to mess up completely, or at least that's what he hoped-, which was something Austin knew the ginger enjoyed the most. He also bought a bottle of wine and a small box of chocolate covered strawberries. Maybe it was a little overdue, but Austin thought it seemed romantic enough. All he could hope for is that Alan enjoyed it and he didn't screw up.


After a few hours of cooking and a few times of screwing up, Austin finished up the pasta and sat it to the side. Alan would be home in a few minutes, which made Austin feel excited and nervous inside. He wanted things to go perfect, he wanted to see the light in Alan's eyes when he walked in and saw what was happening. He wanted Alan.

When Austin finished serving up the plates, the sound of a car door closing signalled that Alan was home, and that's when the nerves really came. The brunettes hands began to shake slightly as he sat the plates on the table before carefully setting the halfway full wine glasses down next to them. He lit the candles that were placed on the table and the few that were placed- safely of course- around the kitchen, and even the few placed around the living room. Everything looked romantic and Austin couldn't have felt anymore proud.

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