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The look on Alan's face after Austin told him that they were still together was something the brunette knew he'd never forget. The gingers face lit up so brightly and he had a big smile on his face.

Austin didn't know why he did it. Just a few days ago he was hating his ex boyfriend, not wanting to hear his name or see his face, and yet, here he was, cuddled up in the bed in the hospital room as together as they watched some local channel on the Tv.

This was wrong, so wrong, but it would have really broken Alan's heart if he knew that he and Austin and broken up months ago, almost a year, but all Alan knew was that he and the brunette had been together for two months and that was all.

He had lost a lot of his memory, and the doctors were surprised that he hadn't had complete brain damage. Alan remembered a few things; his name, date of birth, his parents name, and Austin. That was all, and it was some kind of miracle that he hadn't lost that part of his memory; him and Austin. The doctors didn't quite understand how that was possible, and they didn't know what to make of it, and no matter how hard they tried to comprehend it, they just couldn't.

"When do you think I'll be released?" Alan asked, sitting up from where he lay on Austin's chest.

Alan had been moved from the emergency room to just say regular room in the hospital. The doctors didn't want to release him just yet because they wanted to make sure everything was perfectly fine with him after the bad crash, so they requested that he stayed over night and maybe an extra day, but Alan was growing bored with just lying around and watching the local channels on the Tv. He had no idea where his phone was and really, Austin was his own source of entertainment.

"Probably soon. They just want to make sure you're doing fine," Austin said, looking at the ginger who gave a little sigh and nod.

Suddenly the door opened and a blonde haired guy walked in. Austin glared at the guy, realizing that it was Alan's friend, Michael. The two of them didn't have the best history together since Michael threatened to beat Austin up if he so much as hurt Alan again, and the ginger swore the guy looked familiar but he had no idea who he really was.

"Alan, thank god. I didn't get the news until this morning-"

"Um, who are you?" Alan questioned, cutting the guy off. He wasn't being rude, just curious.

"I'm... I'm your best friend, Michael," he said, his shoulders slumping slightly. Alan cocked his head to the side slightly, confused.

"I don't know you, I'm sorry," Alan said softly and almost sympathetically. Michael's heart broke and he glanced at Austin before giving a small, forced smile.

"Th-That's okay, I'm just... I'm just gonna go," he said, turning and leaving out of the room. Austin felt bad, like really bad.

"I'll be right back," the brunette said softly, standing from the bed and heading out the door. He caught up with Michael and grabbed his arm.

"It should be you he doesn't remember, not me!" Michael screamed. "I've been there for him whenever he needed me and I was there when you broke his heart! It's not fair that he doesn't remember me, and yet he remembers the asshole you tore him apart!"

Austin didn't say anything as Michael shoved past the brunette back and stormed away, heading out the hospital. There wasn't anything for the brunette to do. He couldn't say anything to make things better, and he knew Michael was right. If anything Alan should forget, it should be Austin, because things would definitely be better in the gingers life if he wasn't in it.

Sighing, Austin went back to the room, smiling as he saw Alan curled up on the bed, fast asleep. Someone so cute and fragile didn't deserve to have things taken away from him, Austin knew that much.

Austin went over to a chair, plopping himself down as he watched the Tv and allowed Alan to sleep, occasionally glancing over at him to make sure he was okay, and eventually falling asleep himself in the most uncomfortable chair in the world.

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