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Austin wasn't too sure what he was doing and why he was currently stood outside the coffee shop, looking inside the window and the guy standing behind the counter, but he was. This was a stupid idea to come here, but the brunette had no other choice and didn't know any other people named Michael that were his friends- well, not even friends. Michael hated the brunettes guts for breaking Alan's heart.

With a quick pep talk and a confidence boost, Austin walked into the coffee shop and headed up towards the counter once a customer had walked away and there was no one else around.

"Hello, what can I-" Michael cut himself short and closed his mouth as he glared at the brunette in front of him. After all, he did blame Austin for the accident.

"No, get out. You're not welcomed here and I'm not about to give service to someone like you." Michael seethed. He knew he could get fired for kicking out a customer and for denying them service, but it'd be well worth it.

"Look, please, I really need to talk to you," Austin said. He wasn't much of one for begging, or really asking for help at all, and he didn't expect Michael to be all happy and warm welcomed, but the brunette was desperate for help.

"I don't care! Go deal with whatever problem yourself!" Michael snapped, earning the attention of people around him and more than likely his boss.

"I'm begging you, please. It's really important," Austin told him.

"Why should I help you? You broke my best friend's heart and are the reason he's lost his damn memory! Do you have any idea how absolutely hard it is losing the one of the few people in your life like that?! To wake up in the mornings with the intention of going over to your best friends house to hang out, only to remember that he doesn't even know who you are?!" Michael was full on shouting at this point, for sure getting everyone's attention, but he didn't care. He had been holding this in for months now. "I don't understand why he even gets the chance to know who you are, because he doesn't deserve that. He doesn't deserve to remember such an inconsiderate asshole! He deserves to remember his best friend, the one who was actually there for him!"

"You don't think I know that?!" Austin snapped. He knew he didn't deserve Alan. He didn't deserve his kindness or his heart; he deserved nothing of Alan, but yet he still had him. He still had the ginger's love locked away in his heart and no matter how Austin tried, he'd never be good enough for Alan, because Alan deserved better.

"Michael, I think you and your friend should leave. You may only come back once you've cooled off and have this entire thing resolved," a guy, who the brunette assumed with Michael's boss, said.

The brunette looked almost pleading at Michael, but Michael only glared back as he tore off his apron and stormed out of the coffee shop, leaving Austin to apply apologize and go after him.

"Michael! Please, just... just help me out," Austin called after him.

Suddenly Michael stopped in his tracks and spun around, a menacing glare on his features, then again, when was he not glaring at the brunette?

"I'll help you with whatever stupid, idiotic plan you have, but only on one condition," Michael said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine, sure, whatever you want," Austin said, a little surprised that Michael was giving in so quickly. He thought he'd have to continue to beg for hours until the guy broke.

"You break up with Alan," he said.

"Absolutely not," Austin said as soon as the words left out of Michaels mouth. There was no way in hell that the brunette was going to do that and it was ridiculous for Michael to think that.

"Then I'm not helping you," Michael said and spun back around, walking off.

"I don't understand why you hate me so much!" Austin was growing irritated and he was on the brink of snapping. "I know I broke Alan's heart, he did the same exact thing to me! All I ever did was love him and care for him and treat him like I had never treated anyone else before, and yet he still believed that somewhere along the line he was going to be like the rest of the people I screwed around with. Do you have any idea how much that hurt? Did he ever tell you that that was the reason we broke up, because he believed that if we ever got into a big enough and hurtful argument, that I would leave and end up sleeping with someone?!"

Michael had stopped walking and was now facing the brunette again, not saying a word. He didn't know the full reason why the brunette and ginger broke up, he will admit that, but he still had reasons to be so hateful towards Austin.

"Look, I know you wished that he didn't remember me, I wish that sometimes too, but I just... I just can't let him go. I failed at keeping him once and I don't want to fail a second time, even if he will remember the real me eventually," Austin said. "You don't even have to help me if you really don't want to. I'll leave you be and stop bothering you and I'll somehow get Alan to see you again, I promise."

Michael still stayed stood, his features softening slightly, but he still kept the glare. He felt bad, which was unusual since he felt this way towards the brunette who looked like he was ready to just give up completely. He knew that Alan would want him to help Austin, and even though he really didn't want to, he still agreed.

"Alright fine, I guess... I guess if you're really this desperate I'll help you, but you better seriously promise about having Alan talk to me again, because I miss my best friend," Michael said, and Austin's face lit up so brightly but fell again as he realized what he really needed Michael's help with. Austin knew Michael wasn't going to enjoy this and was more than likely going to hate him even more once he was told everything, but if that was the price Austin had to pay, he guess it might be well worth it.

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