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The next morning Austin woke up, he felt awful. His head was pounding and his body was aching, like someone had ran him over with a truck multiple times. He almost didn't want to open his eyes, but the bright light shining in through the window kept him from falling back asleep.

Groaning softly, Austin slowly opened his eyes. He was back in the living room and he had slept on the rather uncomfortable couch, though he didn't know how he ended up here. All he remembered was that he was in a good mood before it plummeted and he was sad all over again, but Austin didn't think much of it as he slowly sat up and looked around the room. His back ached and his head was pounding like crazy. He was in desperate need for more sleep, but it was already past noon and his stomach was growling in desperate need for food.

Austin stood from the couch and slowly made his way into the kitchen. The body tequila he was drinking last night was sat empty on the countertop, along with his phone, but he paid no mind to either of them as he searched through the cabinets for headaches medicine as well as something to eat.

The brunette sipped on water after taking a few pills to ease the pain in his head as he stood, leaning against the countertop as he waited for the left overs he had made a few days ago to heat up. He felt like curling up right there on the floor and falling asleep, but he fought to stay away because he was desperately hungry and horribly hungover. He tried to remember something from last night, because knowing him, he probably did something stupid, which wouldn't surprise him in the least. He wasn't the best drunk and made stupid decisions that he ended up regretting the next day, but nothing came to mind, which was far more surprising.

After Austin ate, he took a long, hot shower to wash away the horrible smell of alcohol and to help ease the pain in his back and head. The couch was horrible and old and was the worst thing possible to sleep on, and how Austin managed to get there, he still had no clue. He remembered whenever the couch was first bought. Alan claimed it had character and that it was cute and that they needed it, and Austin not being to say no, he agreed and they bought it. The brunette somewhat regretted it because he couldn't count how many times he'd slept on that thing because he had either fallen asleep there, or he and Alan were arguing and he was casted out of their bedroom for the night.

The thoughts of Alan only brought a black cloud to linger around the brunettes head as he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. He hated how mopey he was being, he was never like this, but... Alan, he was just, perfect and clouded Austin's thoughts and he hated it.

Once he was dressed, Austin headed back into the living room and plopped himself down on the couch, letting out a big sigh. It was only one in the afternoon and normally he would be work at this time, but he'd called off for the entire week. He just couldn't be there, not after having to go through with everything with Justin and then Alan. To say the least, Austin was an emotional wreck and it hadn't even been a month. He lost one boyfriend and then the other and he knew he completely deserved the karma, but it was slowly destroying him inside.

Hours seemed to pass and Austin was still sat on the couch, so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn't hear someone knocking on the door. It was unlike anyone to show up at his doorstep, and if they did, it was usually a sales person or someone who was lost and needed directions, so when Austin opened the door, he nowhere near expected to see who was on the other side.

"Alan?" Austin questioned softly. It'd been the first time in weeks since he saw or heard from the ginger, and even though they'd been through so much, he couldn't deny the fluttery feeling in his stomach.

"Don't get all soft on me, I came here to talk and demand answers," Alan said, standing there was his arms crossed over his chest and an almost hard look on his face.

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